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Kathy Feeley Ph.D.

Associate Dean


  • Ph.D., U.S. History, The Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York(GSUC/CUNY)
  • B.A., magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, History and Women's Studies, Colgate University

Professional Background

  • Modern U.S. history
  • Gender
  • Media
  • Political culture
  • Print and popular culture

Awards and service

  • Town and Gown Community Service Learning Support Grant, 2017-18
  • University of Redlands, Outstanding Research Award, 2015
  • University of Redlands, Outstanding Teaching Award, 2009
  • University of Redlands, Faculty Research Grant, 2007-8 through 2018-19
  • Historical Society of Southern California/Haynes Research Stipend, Summer 2006, Summer 2010