NEWS and Happenings at SFTS

Welcome! We offer a variety of on campus events in San Anselmo, as well as livestreamed on Zoom. Scroll down to explore.

May 2024

Join us in congratulating this year's Commencement Award recipients!

Distinguished Alumni Rev. Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea

Honorary Doctorate, Mike Wilson

Distinguished Alumni Award
Rev. Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea
M.Div. 1989

Rev. Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea is an ordained clergy in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), also with clergy standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the US and Canada. She has over three decades of grassroots and national expertise in direct programmatic development, refugee organizational leadership, policy and advocacy, and community education in refugee resettlement and sponsorship, immigrant rights and legislation, asylum seeker policies, and unaccompanied children services. Sharon has Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Politics from St. Andrews Presbyterian College, a Master of Divinity from San Francisco Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry from Columbia Theological Seminary. She also received an Honorary Doctor of Divinity from the University of Lynchburg. After graduation, Sharon spent more than 13 years in a California community nicknamed after a refugee camp in Thailand. She founded and directed a multi-service refugee organization in Fresno, California, nationally led Refugee & Immigration Ministries for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination, and currently is Director of the Washington, DC regional office for Church World Service global refugee and development organization. Rev. Stanley-Rea is deeply committed to refugee resettlement as one of our nation’s most successful public/private and bipartisan partnerships in U.S. history. She has won multiple human rights, justice, and advocacy awards, and has moderated numerous national and local press conferences, vigils, and community actions related to refugee resettlement and the benefits immigrants offer to both local neighborhoods and to the character and strength of our nation.

Honorary Doctorate
Mike Wilson
Human Rights Activist

Mike Wilson is a Native American (Tohono O'odham) human rights activist. He was born in 1949 in the village of Wac in the San Xavier District of the Tohono O'odham Nation. Mike has worked as a teacher and a Presbyterian lay pastor. He served for 22 years in the U.S. Army Special Forces. From 1988 - 1989 he was a military advisor to the Army of El Salvador during that country's brutal civil war. During this period, he witnessed the horrors of a military dictatorship, extreme poverty and the injustices of war. Against his District(Baboquivari) Council’s order, from 2002 - 2014 Mike maintained many life-saving water stations on the O'odham reservation for undocumented migrants crossing tribal lands. He has participated in numerous documentary and feature films and panels about the border. He holds a BA in Spanish, with a minor in History, from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and did Graduate studies at San Francisco Theological Seminary. He is the co-author with José Antonio Lucero, PhD, of “What Side Are You On? A Tohono O’odhamLife across Borders“ to be released June 2024 by the University of North Carolina Press. Mike is currently in production as co-director with Victoria Westover of the documentary film “Whose Land? O’odham Land” to be released in 2025.



Watch the recording.

A conversation about queer medievalisms and the use of historical traditions in the ministry and witness of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

February 2024

Julius Bailey Laurie Garrett-Cobbina San Francisco Theological Seminary Lecture Black Church

This is a FREE, online event and all are welcome 😊. Zoom link here. Calendar invite.



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Welcome to the Way of Peace! JOIN US for a very special evening of worship and music as we celebrate the Holiday season. The SFTS Seminary Singers and the Allen Temple Baptist Church Women's Choir will be performing their celestial sounds. 

Saturday, December 2, 2023   |   5:30 pm
Stewart Chapel, San Francisco Theological Seminary
109 Seminary Road, San Anselmo

The event is FREE and all are welcome. Download the flyer here.


May 2023

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San Francisco Theological Seminary Celebrates the Class of 2023!

Learn more >>


April 2023


Wednesday, April 26 for “Wading in the Water: A Chaplain Support Group”

An afternoon event to provide connection, support and rest for Chaplains who have served during Covid-19. Gather with other local chaplains, Connect one-on-one, Share experiences of serving during Covid-19 in a facilitated group, and Spend solo time in nature.


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JOIN US for a conversation about Calvin, the character and legacy of the Reformation(s), and the modern world, with Prof. Ward Holder and other experts, on the occasion of the publication of Holder’s recent book, Calvin and the Christian Tradition: Scripture, Memory, and the Western Mind.

Friday, March 3, 2023   |   2:00 - 5:00 pm
San Francisco Theological Seminary
105 Seminary Road, San Anselmo



  • Ward Holder (St. Anselm’s College), author of Calvin and the Christian Tradition: Scripture, Memory, and the Western Mind (Cambridge 2022) and Reinhold Niebuhr in Theory and Practice: Christian Realism and American Politics in the Twenty-First Century (Lexington 2019)
  • Barbara Pitkin (Stanford), author of Calvin, the Bible, and History: Exegesis and Historical Reflection in the Era of Reform (Oxford 2020)
  • Christopher Ocker (San Francisco Theological Seminary, University of Redlands), author of The Hybrid Reformation (Cambridge 2022)
  • Ethan Shagan (University of California, Berkeley), author of The Birth of Modern Belief (Princeton 2018)
  • Kirsi Stjerna (Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary/Graduate Theological Union), editor of Women Reformers of Early Modern Europe (Fortress 2022) and author of Lutheran Theology: A Grammar of Faith (T&T Clark 2020)



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Welcome The Light! JOIN US for a very special evening of worship and music as we celebrate the Holiday season. The SFTS Seminary Singers and the UR School of Music Chorale Ensemble will be performing their celestial sounds. All are welcome.

Saturday, December 3, 2022   |   7:00 pm
Stewart Chapel, San Francisco Theological Seminary
109 Seminary Road, San Anselmo

The event is FREE, but if you would like to support our community programs, we would greatly appreciate an offering to the  SFTS Shaw Chaplaincy Institute at this link:


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San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo  |  12:00pm - 3:30pm

What does theology say about embodiment? What do bodies say about theology? Wendy Farley writes, it’s time to pay attention to what excluded bodies have to say to theology. Jon Berquist says, the way we understand bodies runs parallel to the way we understand society and God, and so it was in ancient times, in the many competing views of bodies and embodiment present in the Hebrew Bible. 

JOIN US for an informal lunch, a panel discussion with Farley and Berquist and the faculty of San Francisco Theological Seminary, and a “Incarnational Spirituality Lab,” in which participants will together reimagine how theology can be embodied in liturgy, practice, and social justice. We will conclude with an Embodiment of Prayer led by Marcia McFee.


Event details that say Inaugural Lecture of the H. Eugene Farlough California Chair in African-American Christianity, October 18, 2022 next to image of Julius Bailey outdoors smiling

“A Faith That Will Not Shrink”:  Learning From The Yellow Fever Epidemic and the A.M.E. Church, 1793-1878

The Inaugural Lecture of Julius Bailey as the H. Eugene Farlough California Chair in African-American Christianity.

Watch a recording of the event