GIS Day/Geoweek 2020

Discovering the World Through GIS!
Celebrate GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and the difference it is making on campus and around the world! GIS Day has been celebrated around the world since 1999 and provides an international forum for users of all kinds to showcase their applications and demonstrate the difference that it is making in our society.

GIS Day 2020 at the University of Redlands Wednesday, Nov. 18th


All GIS Day events will be live streamed on Facebook Live! Click here to visit our page and join in the fun!

8:00am – 5:00pm: Virtual Humanitarian Mapathon (Nate Strout, Center for Spatial Studies)
Help map vulnerable places in the developing world using simple web-based tools. Join us live on Webex from 8-9am or participate and map anytime throughout the day! 
11:30am – 12:30 pm: Live Stream of Campus Drone Flight (Nate Strout, Center for Spatial Studies)
Join us as we fly around campus and live-stream the video feed! Get a birds-eye view of campus and see some special guests along the way!

12:30pm – 1:00 pm: GIS Pathways Program (Dr. Fang Ren, GIS Department)

Dr. Fang Ren will present graduate and career opportunities available through the University of Redlands. 

Click here to join the meeting at 12:30pm on Wednesday 11/18

1:00 – 2:00 pm: Virtual MS GIS Colloquium (GIS  Department Grad Students)
Current students in the MS GIS program present their Major Individual Projects (MIPs)
Click here to join the meeting at 1:00pm on Wednesday 11/18

Center for Spatial Business Speaker Series - Thursday, Nov. 19th

6:00 - 7:15 pm. Collecting and Connecting the Dots for COVID-19 (Este Geraghty, Chief Medical Officer, Esri)
Dr. Geraghty will provide an overview of the range of applications and success stories from GIS users around the world who are putting geospatial technology to work to support their COVID-19 response and recovery efforts and will dive deeper into two current issues of the day, contact tracing and vaccine distribution.


Explore the Center for Spatial Studies GIS Day ArcGIS Experience to view the University's Spatial Showcase, participate in a campus quiz to win prizes, and more.