Faculty/Staff On-Site Leaders and On-Campus Responsible Officer Resources

Forms, Orientation Materials and Program Monitoring

The safety and security of U of R students, faculty, and staff abroad is of the utmost importance to the University. U of R Faculty/Staff On-Campus Responsible Officers and On-Site Leaders are required to fulfill their responsibilities for University-sponsored travel and activities before, during and after the program abroad. The distinctions between the roles of an On-Site Leader and On-Campus Responsible Officer are:

On-Campus Responsible Officer

Faculty/Staff On-Site Leader

Works with a student on university sponsored international travel request but does not travel with the student but assumes responsibility for preparing student for the experience before travel, supports them during travel and for duration of travel.

Travels with the participants on University sponsored travel and is on-site for duration of the international travel

Examples: Semester long study away student programs; student doing independent university-sponsored international research; university-sponsored students independently attending an international conference; and more.

Examples: Faculty member teaching a travel course; faculty doing international university-sponsored research with student assistance; coach traveling internationally with athletic team; and more.


Resources to Help On-Campus Responsible Officers Leading Pre-departure Orientation

Information Faculty/Staff Leader/On-Campus Responsible Officers Should Collect from Participants and Review Within 2 Weeks After Acceptance 

Information Faculty/Staff Leader/On-Campus Responsible Officer Should Give to Participants at Least 8 Weeks Prior to Departure

Faculty/Staff On-Site Leader/On-Campus Responsible Officers Should Review Updates and Monitor the In-Country Situation Abroad Through These Sources

Faculty/Staff On-Site Leaders/On-Campus Responsible Officers will be asked to submit the following documents that will be shared with Public Safety four weeks before program start date

Health and Safety Resources for Faculty/Staff On-Site Leaders/On-Campus Responsible Officers