Update on Redlands campus services, facilities access, and business operations

January 13, 2021

To:  Faculty, Staff, and Administrators, and Students — Redlands Campus
From:  Donna Eddleman, University Dean of Student Affairs; Kathy Ogren, Provost; and Michelle Rogers, Vice President for Administration
Subject:  Update on Redlands campus services, facilities access, and business operations

As we welcome some students back into residence at a reduced density on the Redlands campus this week and bring some work functions back on-site to support these students and others, we are providing this update to keep our students, faculty, and staff informed about current Redlands campus services, facilities, and business operations.

Building Access, Signage, and Cleaning Supplies

While San Bernardino County remains in Tier 1 COVID-19 status (Widespread/Purple; see https://covid19.ca.gov/safer-economy) and/or is subject to additional pandemic restrictions such as the Regional Stay-at-Home Order, buildings on the Redlands campus will remain locked.


Per California COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Institutions of Higher Education, the University’s COVID-19 Prevention Plan restricts access to our campuses and buildings and requires an intensified cleaning regimen by our custodial team. Controlling access is a proactive prevention tactic that can (1) limit exposure, (2) facilitate contact tracing, and (3) minimize unnecessary additional work by our frontline cleaning staff.


Our Public Safety team is the steward of access to campus facilities. No other member of our community should open or grant access to a building, office, classroom, or other interior space for others unless doing so has been pre-approved by a Cabinet member or department head in support of teaching, learning, or work. If you need access to a building for teaching, learning, or work and are not in possession of a University-issued key, please contact Public Safety at 909-748-8888. You will need to show your University ID for entrance and keep the card visibly displayed at all times while on campus to help the University limit access to campus facilities.

  • Experiential/Studio Instruction and Special Exceptions. When approved by the respective dean and subject to additional COVID prevention measures, access may be granted to enable music rehearsal or experiential, studio, or laboratory instruction within specially equipped interior spaces. College athletic training may also require access to specific facilities, subject to explicit State, County, or intercollegiate athletic rules. Students who have health or other circumstances that warrant additional accommodations should contact Assistant Dean of Academic Success and Disability Services Amy Wilms by calling 909-748-8069.
  • For Faculty. Faculty members should have individual key sets for their offices and the buildings in which they work. Faculty should consult with Public Safety to obtain keys as authorized by their dean or department chair. Key requests should be submitted by deans and department chairs through the iServiceDesk Work Order Request form on the MyRedlands web portal. Safekeeping of keys and their appropriate use in compliance with University protocols is the responsibility of individual faculty member. The cost of replacing lost keys must be funded from the respective departmental budget.
  • For Residential Students. Students living in residence will be issued individual keys for their rooms and the buildings in which they live. Exterior doors will remain locked and shall not be propped open or left unlocked. Access to residential buildings is restricted to all but those assigned to live in each specific residential community and those with business or operational reasons to enter the space (e.g., Facilities Management staff). Students should expect to contact and interact with faculty virtually and use remote means of requesting administrative support.
  • For Off-Campus Students. Students who live off-campus and who come on campus for any reason are required to comply with all prevention and safety protocols, including the requirement for weekly testing, daily health screening, and wearing their current university student identification badge. The University has designated the (north) Chapel parking lot as a Wi-Fi-enabled area where students with campus parking permits may park and work from their vehicles if necessary. Like residential students, off-campus students should expect to contact and interact with faculty virtually and use remote means of requesting administrative support.
  • For Employees. Employees should have individual key sets for their assigned workspaces and buildings. Doors should remain locked, and access is limited to known staff or pre-approved/registered vendors on official business.
  • For contractors, vendors, visitors, and guests. We are currently updating the Visitor Info section of the UR Ready website. Guidelines will be available the week of January 17.

Health and Safety Measures

You will notice various COVID-specific signage on exterior doors and interior spaces of all buildings. Please be sure to read the signage, as it is part of our ongoing training and safety efforts.


Buildings will be outfitted with hand sanitizer and departments can request disinfectant spray and paper towels from Facilities Management via a work request. You can submit a work request from the link titled “Facilities Work Request” on MyRedlands. You can also request a consultation on physical distancing and individual protective barriers by submitting a work request. Disinfecting wipes for copier/shared printer workstations are available at the Office Services window in North University Hall.

UR Ready App

The UR Ready app that will be used to report weekly testing and complete the required daily health self-assessment will be launched by Friday. Please watch for a University-wide announcement that will include download instructions as well as a print and video tutorial.

COVID Resource Desk

Beginning Thursday, January 14, a COVID Resource Desk will be set up on the first floor of Hunsaker Center. The Resource Desk, which can be accessed using the doors located on the Hunsaker Plaza (southeast end of the building), will be open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. To accommodate undergraduate student arrivals, the resource desk will be open this weekend (January 16 and 17) from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.


The COVID Resource Desk is intended to be a one-stop-shop for COVID inquiries, where you can pick up requested ID cards and lanyards and ask COVID-related questions. While community members can continue to send COVID inquiries to covidresponse@redlands.edu or student_affairs@redlands.edu, some may prefer the opportunity to speak to someone in person—with face coverings and physical distancing, of course!

University Food Service through Harvest Table

At this time, Harvest Table on-site venues will be open only to those who have a University meal plan. Online ordering from Harvest Table through GrubHub is available for everyone with outside pick-up at the south end of the Commons. Please see the attached PDF for hours of operation by date and venue. For up-to-date information, please visit https://dining.redlands.edu/covid-19-information/.

University Bookstore

The bookstore is currently servicing all orders, including textbooks and merchandise, through its website. To accommodate the start of the spring term, receipt of textbooks will be handled as follows:

  • Students in residence. Due to the staggered arrival of students and the timing of orders being received, book delivery will not be possible as originally planned. Instead, orders can be picked up on the plaza in front of the bookstore entrance between 1 and 3 p.m. on Saturday, January 16 and Sunday, January 17. For those students who already placed an order through the bookstore using their residence hall for delivery, you will still need to pick up your items at the bookstore during this time. Residential students who miss this window can also retrieve orders during the additional times noted for off-campus students. Once you have received confirmation from the bookstore that your order is ready for pickup, you may head over during the times listed.
  • Off-campus students. Orders can be picked up on the plaza in front of the bookstore entrance between 1 and 3 p.m. on Saturday, January 16 and Sunday, January 17. Additionally, the pickup table will be open for the weeks of January 18 and January 25 (Monday through Friday) between 12:30 and 4 p.m. Saturday pick up will be available on January 23 between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Once you have received confirmation from the bookstore that your order is ready for pickup, you may head over during the times listed.

Beginning February 1, the retail store will be open to the public Monday through Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. We will be limiting the number of customers inside at one time and cleaning frequently according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. Please call 909-748-8951 with inquiries.

Student Health Center


The Student Health Center will be open Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 1 to 4:30 p.m. To help manage COVID risks, please call ahead, 909-748-8021, before visiting the center.

Armacost Library – Redlands Campus

Armacost Library faculty and staff will continue to provide access to both digital and physical resources and a full suite of virtual services throughout the spring 2021 semester. Ask a Librarian for help with research questions, articles, eBooks, and more. Curbside pickup service is available for checking out physical items in our collections. Use the Request feature in Primo to choose items to check out for curbside pickup.


For evolving updates on access, resources, and services, please visit library.redlands.edu/covid19 and armacostlibrary.blogspot.com.

Computer Labs, Printers, and Collaborative Learning Spaces

The following collaborative learning spaces in Armacost Library will be available to reserve for all students, faculty, and staff: 99, 100, and 118. Access to reserving each of these locations is currently enabled. Spaces can be reserved here: https://sites.redlands.edu/its/acits/fletcher-jones-computing-center/collaborative-learning-spaces/

For faculty wishing to use a classroom lab for remote purposes, the following labs are available: 104 and 139. Please contact the Registrar’s Office to book: registrar@redlands.edu


For general computing needs, computers are available and arranged according to social distancing standards. They can be found in the main hallway adjacent to 121 Fletcher Jones Foundation Computer Center near the Bulldog Cafe.


We are in the process of installing printers around campus to replace the Wepa Kiosks and intend to provide printing at no cost for students during the spring term.


Please note, thanks to a grant from the Fletcher Jones Foundation, construction is currently underway for our new state-of-the-art experiential learning center. Construction locations that will be unavailable for use this spring include 121 Fletcher Jones Foundation Computer Center, 151 library storage, and 112 computer lab.

Registrar’s Office

The Registrar’s Office remains fully operational to support students’ needs. The staff will continue to handle all items virtually and can be reached via email at registrar@redlands.edu. Phone support is available at 909-748-8019. If a staff member determines there is a need for in-person on-site support, arrangements will be made by the office.

Student Mail Center

To accommodate undergraduate student arrivals, the Student Mail Center will be open this weekend (January 16 and 17) from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Students will need to show a physical ID (i.e., driver’s license, passport, University ID) to receive their packages. A physical ID is required per federal United States Postal Service regulations.