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SPA-24-04-03 Spatial Symposium-fp-0262

Spatial Symposium

Redlands campus Apr 09, 2025 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Community

Join us and celebrate spatial learning, research, and community service.

Campus Event
Time / date: 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Location: Casa Loma Room, 1230 E. Brockton Ave., Redlands



SPA-24-04-03 Spatial Symposium-fp-0009(1)

Event Details

Registration is not required to attend. This page will be updated as information becomes available.

What to anticipate at the event:

  • Come and learn how GIS and Spatial Thinking is being used across campus in multiple disciplines to analyze and visualize pattens and impacts in the social and physical worlds
  • The program will consist of a guest keynote speaker, several staff and student speakers, and the presentation of Student Excellence in GIS awards
  • Each year the spatial community at the University of Redlands showcases research done by students, faculty, and administrators. Explore the posters and StoryMaps to learn about historical, social, business, engineering, and environmental science, and vote for your favorites!
  • Open seating gives you an opportunity to sit with your colleagues & friends.




5:00–5:30 p.m.
Reception for alumni, guests, and presenters.
Viewing of posters and story maps by students, faculty, and administrators.


5:30–5:40 p.m.
Adrienne McCormick, U of R Provost


5:40 - 6:30 p.m.
Prof. Trisalyn Nelson, Chair and Professor, Department of Geography, UC Santa Barbara

Title of keynote: Novel Spatial Data as a Path to Better Bicycling

Abstract: Lack of available data can be a barrier to bicycling and pedestrian research and planning. Much of my team's research focuses on building novel data sources to map bicycling infrastructure, safety, and volume. In this presentation I will outline how we are using OpenStreetMaps to map bicycle infrastructure, crowdsource webmaps ( to map safety and access concerns, and modelling ridership using Strava data. I will discuss how crowdsource data provide unique opportunities to enhance active transportation data but also challenges particularly around data sampling and representativeness.


6:30–7:30 p.m.
Lightning Talks by students, faculty, staff, and alumni

Awards and Honors

7:30–8:00 p.m.

  • Presentation of the Center for Spatial Business Student Excellence Awards 
    Jim Pick, Professor, School of Business & Society
  • Presentation of the Tomlinson Prizes for Excellence in GIS
    John Glover, Professor, History, SPA Chair
  • Presentation of the Poster & StoryMap Awards
    Avijit Sarkar, Director of the Institute for Geospatial Impact



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