Soul Break Meditation
Please join Rev. Marissa Danney for SOUL BREAK—15 minutes of guided meditation on Zoom on Tuesdays at noon. Log in and give your soul a few minutes of break.
Here is the link: SOUL BREAK
SFTS Chapel Services
Chapel services in the Fall semester will be held in Montgomery Chapel, where we provide in-person and virtual (zoom) participation. When you attend via Zoom, we ask that your microphone remain muted for the duration of the service, or until you are invited to unmute. Chapel will begin at 12:00 and conclude by 12:35 PST. The Zoom link for chapel is: Wednesday Chapel Online
We will gather for chapel on Wednesdays of each week.
- Wednesday Chapel is an innovative, Christian service of worship.
- The first Wednesday of each month will include communion.
- Throughout the year, graduating seniors will plan and lead a Wednesday Chapel service, in which they will preach their Senior Sermon.
Chaplain's Office
SFTS is a community gathered to serve God’s people in the church and the world. Sharing a common life as a community is critically important to the Seminary experience. The Chaplain’s Office strives to nurture this experience of living in koinonia: a New Testament Greek word for the fellowship, communion, and gathering of sisters and brothers in Christ. The two major functions of the Chaplain’s Office are to coordinate the worship life of the Seminary community and to provide spiritual care for its members. In addition to planning weekly chapel services and special worship services as needed, the Chaplain’s Office also offers pastoral care, counseling, and support to members of the community in times of need. This ministry also includes referrals for assistance in times of hardship and the coordination of community support through prayer and loving service to those experiencing special needs.
Our Chaplains
Rev. Dr. Laurie Garrett-Cobbina
Director, Shaw Chaplaincy Institute; Shaw Family Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Education; ACPE Certified Educator
Rev. Paul Gaffney
Program Manager of Education, Community Relations, and Spiritual Care Services; ACPE Certified Educator
Rev. Marissa Danney
Chaplain Educator & Associate Chaplain
ACPE Certified Educator
P 415.451.2821
Pastoral Care Associate
Working with the chaplains, Lucas Walker serves as Pastoral Care Associate to the student community. The Pastoral Care Associate is available for counseling and for referral to other campus and community support services.
Contact Info
Rev. Lucas Walker
Pastoral Care Associate
(415) 451-2840
Student Governance
We encourage students to participate in in the shared governance of the Seminary through the Student Association, of which all students are automatically members. Each year, students are elected to the Student Association Council (SAC). The SAC is the advocacy and advisory body to the Seminary for all registered students. Acting as the voice of the students, the SAC sees that student concerns are addressed and insures students’ representation in governing bodies.
The Chaplain’s office provides a staff liaison to SAC for support, advocacy and guidance, as needed.
Imago D.E.I.
(The Image of God Expressed Through Diversity, Equity, Inclusion)
As a community, we are united in the desire to create an inclusive atmosphere where diversity flourishes in all its forms. We are called to live inside God’s beautiful family, and that means pursuing justice, knowledge, dignity, and well-being for all people. From our students to our staff to our faculty to our trustees and beyond, we want to foster a just community that embraces differences—both here on campus and in the world.