Accessible Parking and Other Accommodations
The University of Redlands wants to ensure the Commencement Ceremonies are accessible to all. Please use this form to view the accessibility services already provided and request additional accommodations. Deadline for requests is Friday, April 11, 2025.
Guests with mobility accommodations are encouraged to park in the designated ADA parking area near Ted Runner Stadium. The car must have a current ADA placard or license plate to park in the designated area. The University will also have golf carts running on a loop around exterior campus lots, look for signage for cart pick-up locations.
Seating Capacity & Gate Opening
It should not be necessary to arrive early and stand in line prior to the gate opening time as a way to secure seats with a good view. Ted Runner Stadium has grandstand seating capacity for more than 6,000 guests! Gates to the stadium will open 90 minutes prior to the start of each ceremony.
Entry line and Carry-in Inspection
Guests will enter via the Serrao Gate at the southwest corner of the stadium. We reserve the right to inspect any carry-in items.
Prohibited Items in Ted Runner Stadium
Umbrellas are not permitted in Ted Runner Stadium because they inhibit the sightlines of surrounding guests. In the event of rain, check the University of Redlands Commencement Website.
- No inflatables or large signs are allowed.
- No pets or emotional support animals are allowed.
Be Prepared for Sun
Dress appropriately for the day. Comfortable clothes and walking shoes are strongly recommended. Most often, it is warm and sunny and there is very little shade in Ted Runner Stadium. We recommend using sunscreen along with wearing hats and sunglasses!
While in the Stadium
No smoking. All indoor and outdoor events during Commencement are non-smoking events.
Refreshments: For your convenience, drinks and snacks will be available for purchase in Ted Runner Stadium at the concession counters under the stands on both sides of the stadium. They are provided by the University's Town & Gown organization and proceeds benefit Town & Gown scholarships and other programs.
Safety: The aisles in and entryways around Ted Runner Stadium may not be blocked for any reason.
Lost and Found
During the event, lost/found items should be turned in/claimed at the Guest Services Tent at Ted Runner Stadium. Unclaimed items will be stored at the Public Safety Office in the Willis Center.
Dining and Lodging
We recommend booking early as hotel and dining reservations are in high demand and are often booked months before Commencement weekend; see a list of dining options and local hotels.
University Bookstore
For your convenience, the University Bookstore will have items available for purchase inside Ted Runner Stadium.
All Commencement ceremonies will be live-streamed for family and friends who are unable to be at these events in person. The live-stream will begin at the start time of the ceremony. Livestream video “buttons” will be placed on the Commencement webpage on the day of the event. The ceremonies will also be live-streamed in Memorial Chapel should visitors prefer to be on-campus but watch the stream indoors.
Commencement Expectations
Commencement ceremonies at the University of Redlands are the culmination of many years of hard work. It is a time for you, your family, and your friends to recognize and honor your success!
We ask for your help in making these events a positive experience for everyone. Any misconduct would be an unwelcome disturbance.
All U of R Commencement and graduation ceremonies are alcohol-, drug-. smoke-vape-, and tobacco-free. There will be zero tolerance for disorderly behavior.
Please help us celebrate the Class of 2025 Commencement and graduation ceremonies events respectfully!