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Susan Blauth Ph.D.


About Dr. Blauth

Susan Blauth's interests are in Genetics and Molecular Biology. She is also experienced in how these disciplines relate to agriculture and food. She teaches courses in introductory Food Biology, as well as courses in Genetics, Genomics and Cell Biology that are part of the Biology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology programs.

Dr. Blauth's research focuses on a bacterium that lives symbiotically in plant roots, exchanging critical nutrients. Specifically, she works with students to identify an investigate the bacterial genes involved in sugar breakdown that could be involved in maintaining this relationship.


  • Ph.D. Plant Genetics, Cornell University
  • B.S. Biology, Cornell University

Areas of Expertise

  • Plant genetics
  • Molecular biology
  • Genomics
  • Biotechnology

Professional Background

  • Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Plant Molecular Biology, Pennsylvania State University (1997-1999)


Gross, T. J., Gross, T. F., & Blauth, S. (2017). Perception of Facial Aging and Its Relationship to Two Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (OXTR rs53576, CD38 rs3796863). SAGE Open, 7(3).

Blauth, S. L., Kim, K. N., Klucinec, J., Shannon, J. C., Thompson, D., & Guiltinan, M. (2002). Identification of Mutator insertional mutants of starch-branching enzyme 1 (sbe1) in Zea mays L. Plant molecular biology, 48, 287-297.

Blauth, S. L., Yao, Y., Klucinec, J. D., Shannon, J. C., Thompson, D. B., & Guiltinan, M. J. (2001). Identification of Mutator insertional mutants of starch-branching enzyme 2a in corn. Plant Physiology, 125(3), 1396-1405.

Blauth, S. L., Steffens, J. C., Churchill, G. A., & Mutschler, M. A. (1999). Identification of QTLs controlling acylsugar fatty acid composition in an intraspecific population of Lycopersicon pennellii (Corr.) D’Arcy. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 99, 373-381.


Blauth, S. L., Churchill, G. A., & Mutschler, M. A. (1998). Identification of quantitative trait loci associated with acylsugar accumulation using intraspecific populations of the wild tomato, Lycopersicon pennellii. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 96, 458-467.


  • Biol114 Biology of Food
  • Biol239 Molecular Genetics and Inheritance
  • Biol338 Cell Biology
  • Biol342 Advanced Molecular Genetics and Genomics
  • Biol460/461 Senior Research in Biology