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James Blauth Ph.D.



  • Ph.D., Plant Genetics, Cornell University
  • B.A., Biology, Dartmouth College

Professional Background

Background Highlights

In spring 2009 Jim and his research team transplanted 60 seedlings into Cottonwood Pass in Joshua Tree National Park to re-vegetate and (hopefully) initiate ecological restoration of a disturbed desert wash.

Professional Experience

  • Alfred University, Assistant Professor of Biology


  • American Society of Plant Biologists
  • Botanical Society of America
  • California Society for Ecological Restoration
  • Council on Undergraduate Research


Blauth, J.R., D.P. Schrum (Dec 2005) Service Learning and Field Research at the University of Redlands: Desert Restoration in Joshua Tree

National Park. CUR Quarterly, 26(2):63-65

Boersma, S.F., M.M. Hluchy, G.L. Godshalk, J.L. Crane, D.R. DeGraff, J.R. Blauth (2001) An interdisciplinary, process-based, student-designed introductory science course. Journal of College Science Teaching, XXX(6):397-402

Grube, R.C., J.R. Blauth, M.S. Arnedo Andrès, C. Caranta, M.K. Jahn (2000) Identification and comparative mapping of a dominant potyvirus resistance gene cluster in Capsicum. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 101:852-859

Livingstone, K.D., Lackney, V.K., Blauth, J.R., Van Wijk, R., Jahn, M. Kyle (1999) Genome mapping in Capsicum and the evolution of genome structure in the Solanaceae. Genetics 152(3):1183-1202

Murphy, J.F., J.R. Blauth, K. D. Livingstone, V.K. Lackney, and M. K. Jahn (1998) Genetic mapping of the pvr1 locus in Capsicum spp. and evidence that distinct potyvirus loci control responses that differ at the whole plant and cellular levels. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 11(10):943-951

Prince, J.P., V.K. Lackney, C. Angeles, J.R. Blauth, and M.M. Kyle (1995) A survey of DNA polymorphism within the genus Capsicum and the fingerprinting of cultivated varieties. Genome 38(2):224-231

Awards and service

  • National Science Foundation - Research Opportunity Award, 2006: "Nitrogen Deposition, Mycorrhizal Communities and Competitive Plant Interactions in Southern California Deserts," $19,936
  • Merck•AAAS - Undergraduate Science Research Program, 2003-06: "University of Redlands," $60,000 (extended through 2008)
  • National Science Foundation - Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement - Adaptation and Implementation Program, 2001-04: "Integration of student-designed laboratories in cell and tissue biology," $58,083
  • National Science Foundation - Course and Curriculum Development Program, 1997-99: "Investigative Science at Alfred: How the World Works," $114,930

Invited Presentations

  • James R. Blauth, David P. Schrum "Integrating biology and chemistry, basic and applied plant biology in undergraduate research," Plant Biology Conference, July 2009
  • James R. Blauth, "From the Ground Up: Towards Revegetation of a Disturbed Desert Wash," invited talk, Harvey Mudd College, November 2007
  • James R. Blauth, David Schrum, Trevor Harp, Hannah Woolverton, Sean Guthrie, Jerel Garcia, Iyan Sandri, "Towards Revegetation of a Disturbed Desert Wash Using Native Woody Legumes, Rhizobia, and Arbuscular Mycorrhizas," Botany and Plant Biology Joint Congress, July 2007
  • James R. Blauth, Edith B. Allen, Michael F. Allen, "Nitrogen Deposition, Mycorrhizal Communities, and Vegetation Change in Southern California Desert," Botanical Society of America (BSA) Conference, July 2006
  • James R. Blauth, "From the Ground Up: Restoring a Disturbed Desert Habitat,"invited talk, Iowa State University Horticulture Dept., September 2005
  • James R. Blauth, David P. Schrum, Vinh Do, Benjamin Eroen, Phillip Fivgas, Leslie Lutke, Heidi MacLean, Heather Mitchell, Tiffanylee Tschann, "Exploring Woody Legumes, Rhizobia, and Mycorrhizae for Revegetating Desert Washes," California Society for Ecological Restoration (SERCAL) Conference, October 2004