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Nancy Carrick Ph.D.



  • Ph.D., Renaissance Literature, University of Arizona
  • M.A., English, University of Arizona
  • B.A., English, University of Arizona

Professional Background

Academic Interests

  • Medieval and Renaissance illustrated mss./books of plays

  • Narrative art and its influence on the illustration of plays

  • Performance pedagogy in teaching dramatic texts


  • Shakespeare Society of America

  • Renaissance Conference of Southern California

  • Through 2009:
    American Conference of Academic Deans
    American Association of Colleges and Universities

Areas of Expertise

  • Academic Administration


"Faculty Loads and Special Compensation." With Philip A. Glotzbach. Deans' Handbook. Boston: ACAD, 1998.


"Persuasive Pen: An Integrated Approach to Reasoning and Writing." With Lawrence Finsen. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 1997.


"Creating Writers," The Redlands Magazine, 1993.


"A Comment on ‘Integrating Formal Logic and the New Rhetoric,'" with Lawrence Finsen, College English, 47:2 (1985).


"A Student's Guide to Freshman Composition with Freshman Writing." Minneapolis: Burgess, 1980.


Awards and service

  • Town and Gown Higher Education Award

  • NEH-NSF-FIPSE Joint Initiative in Humanities and Science Education Grant ($140,000) to support Redlands' Environmental Studies Program

  • National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar on the Theory of Artistic Relations in the Renaissance

  • Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Redlands

  • Meritorious Teaching Award, University of Arizona

  • Folger Library Grant for Research in Theatre History

  • Phi Beta Kappa

  • Phi Kappa Phi National Honorary

  • Alpha Lambda Delta National Honorary


  • "Working with the Chief Academic Officer in Difficult Economic Times," Invited Plenary Speaker, "Creative Leadership with Limited Resources," Council of Independent Colleges, 2009.

  • "Integrating Liberal Education in Business Curriculum," National Convention of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2008.

  • "Testing whether the Promises of the Mission Are Demonstrated in the Culminating Work of Students," New Approaches to Cross-Institutional Assessment, Associated New American Colleges Institute, 2007.

  • "Professional Evaluation and Rewards: Aligning Faculty and Institutional Expectations," Associated New American Colleges Institute, 2005.

  • "A Response to AAC&U's 'Greater Expectations': On Liberal and Professional Education," National Convention of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2004.

  • "Integrating Decision-Making in Faculty Hiring: Two Models for Increasing Diversity," National Convention of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2003.

  • "Winter's Tale: Performing a Romance," CalShakes, 2002.

  • "Shakespeare and GIS," Shakespeare Association of America National Meeting, 2002.

  • "Cultivating Faculty Leadership at Small Schools," with Tracy Fitzsimmons, for "Collaboration toward the Common Good: Faculty and Administration Working Together," American Association of University Professors/American Conference of Academic Deans National Workshop, 2000.

  • "Building and Supporting an Accomplished Faculty," with Bob Benedetti, for "Partners in Academic Leadership: Faculty, Chair, and Dean Collaboration," Association of American Colleges and Universities Network for Academic Renewal, 1999.

  • "Collaborative Leadership in the Dean's Office," with Philip A. Glotzbach, for "Seasons and Cycles: the Dean's Work with Faculty from Hire to Retirement," American Conference of Academic Deans National Workshop, 1999.

  • "Tonson and Boydell: Illustrating Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century," for "Editing and Culture: Shakespeare from Rowe to Furness," Shakespeare Association of America National Meeting, 1997.

  • "Performance Pedagogy in the Teaching of Shakespeare," Shakespeare Association of America Workshop on "Figuring Difference: Media in the Shakespeare Classroom," Sixth World Shakespeare Congress, 1996.

  • "Ernest Boyer's 'Scholarship Assessed' and the Integration of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies in New American Colleges," American Conference of Academic Deans Regional Meeting, 1995.

  • "Writing to Think, Thinking to Write: How to Craft a Distinctive Writing Across the Curriculum Program," Plenary Address, University of Evansville, 1993.

  • "How Reliable Are Renaissance Illustrations of Stage Action? The Lyons Terence Woodcuts Reconsidered," National Endowment for the Humanities Seminar on the Theory of Artistic Relations in the Renaissance, 1991.

  • "How Administrators Can Nurture Writing in the Disciplines," Consortium for Instructional Improvement Conference, 1989.

  • "Critical Thinking and Writing Across the Curriculum," with Lawrence Finsen, Instructional Leadership Conference, 1988.

  • "Publishing Student Writing Across the Curriculum," National Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, 1984. Introducing Redlands Writes.

  • "On Conducting Student Conferences and Writing Workshops," National Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, 1978.