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Shellie Zias-Roe Ph.D.

Visiting Lecturer
Environmental Studies


Shellie Zias-Roe, Ph.D. and visiting lecturer at University of Redlands, is an environmental scientist and certified professional urban and environmental planner with a deep passion for the environment and education. She applies her knowledge of natural processes to develop projects and programs that protect ecosystems while promoting human well-being. Shellie holds a doctoral degree in Sustainability Education from Prescott College, where her interdisciplinary studies spanned biophilia, civic and human ecology, natural resource management, and collaborative governance. Since 2006, her work has focused on environmental and community planning in Southern California, with research exploring the earth-human connection and resilience in social-ecological systems through systems thinking and multi-perspectival approaches.


  • Ph.D. Prescott College, Sustainability Education
  • M.A.S. University of Denver, Environmental Management, Natural Resource Management
  • B.S. University of Redlands, Environmental Policy & Management, Natural Resource Management
  • B.A. University of Redlands, Liberal Studies
  • A.A. The Pennsylvania State University, Letters, Arts, and Sciences

Professional Background

  • Visiting Lecturer, University of Redlands, 2013-Present
  • Visiting Assistant Professor & Adjunct Faculty, University of Redlands, 2013-2019
  • Associate Planner, County of San Bernardino: Land Use Services, 2006-2013

Awards and service

  • Office of Career & Professional Development Faculty Champion Awardee, Fall, 2019
  • Recognized for Professional Work Integrating Diversity in Urban Planning: California American Planning Association State Conference Diversity Summit
  • American Planning Association Diversity Task Force – National Appointment 2019
  • American Planning Association Diversity Chapter Chair, 2015-2020


Zias-Roe, Shellie (2022). Community-scale climate change policy inquiry: experiential environmental education at the University of Redlands. Journal of American Planning Association. (forthcoming)


Zias-Roe, Shellie. (2022). Actuating a sustainable paradigm by perpetuating a small-scale rehearsal for change. Journal of Sustainability Education. (accepted)

Zias-Roe, Shellie. (2018). Equity and inclusion in planning: engaging a uniquely abled vulnerable population in the participatory process. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest.

Zias-Roe, Shellie (2016). Community and Ecological Resilience through Civic Ecology. In M. E. Krasny & and K. Snyder (Eds). Civic Ecology: Stories about love of life, love of place. (pp. 165-172). Cornell University Civic Ecology Lab. Ithaca NY.

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Documents: