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John Glover Ph.D.



  • Ph. D., History, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Dissertation: “The Hope in This World and The Next: Maam Cerno and the Settlement of Darou Mousty, 1912-47.”
  • M.A., History, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Major field: Africa  Minor fields:  West Africa, Modern Middle East, Imperialism/Decolonization
  • B.A., summa cum laude, History, Bradley University

Professional Background


  • University of Redlands,  Full Professor, Department of History, 2012-Present
  • University of Redlands, Associate Professor, Department of History, 2006-2012
  • University of Redlands, Assistant Professor, Department of History, 2000-2006

Areas of Expertise

  • African history
  • West Africa
  • Islam
  • European imperialism



John Glover, Sufism and Jihad in Modern Senegal: The Murid Order. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2007.


Chapters and Articles

  • John Glover, "The Prophet Muhammad Reincarnated and His Son, Jesus: Re-centering Islam among the Layenne of Senegal," Journal of Historical Geography, 41 (2013)
  • John Glover, “Murid Modernity: Historical Perceptions of Islamic Reform, Sufism, and Colonization,” in New Research on Islam in Senegal, ed. Mamadou Diouf and Mara Leitchman, London: Palgrave, 2008.
  • John Glover, “”The Mosque is One Thing, The Administration is Another:” Murid Marabouts and Wolof Aristocrats in Colonial Senegal,” The International Journal of African Historical Studies, Vol. 33, no.2 (2001)


Book Reviews

  • John Glover, review of The Divine Flood: Ibrahim Niasse and the Roots of a Twentieth-Century Sufi RevivalT, Rudiger Seesemann, in The International Journal of African Historical Studies, Vol. 45, no.1 (2012) 


  • John Glover, review of Islam and Social Change in French West Africa: History of an Emancipatory Community, Sean Hanretta, in The American Historical Review, Vol 115, no.1 (2010) : 325-326.


  • John Glover, review of Social Welfare in Muslim Societies in Africa, edited by Holger Weiss, in The International Journal of African Historical Studies, Vol. 35, no.1 (2002) : 236-237


  • John Glover, review of The History of Islam in Africa, edited by Nehemia Levtzion and Randall L. Pouwels, in The International Journal of African Historical Studies, Vol. 33, no.2 (2001) : 411-412.

Awards and service

  • University of Redlands Innovation Fund Award for Historical GIS, 2016

  • Center for Spatial Studies Community of Practice Grant, 2014

  • Keck Foundation LENS Faculty Fellowship, 2011

  • Post-Doctoral Summer Research Fellowship, West African Research Association, 2009

  • Faculty Review Committee Research Grant, University of Redlands, 2009

  • Faculty Review Committee Distinguished Research Award, 2007


  • "An African and Islamic Expression of Modernity: The Re-Imagination of the Historical  Geography of Cap Vert by the Layenne of Senegal"

  • Eighth Savannah Symposium "Modernities across Time and Space," Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, Georgia. February 2013

  • "The Prophet Muhammad Reincarnated and His Son, Jesus: Re-Centering Islam among the Layenne of Senegal" African Studies Association Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 2012

  • "GIS and History: Mapping the Lebu Migrations" Esri 2012 Users Conference, San Diego, California. July 2012

  • “Controlling the Sea: Sufism as a Metaphor for Historical Change on the West African Coast." World History Association Conference, London, United Kingdom .     June 2008

  • “Abolition and Emancipation as a Discourse of Colonization and Control” Domestic and International Consequences of the First Governmental Efforts to Abolish the Atlantic Slave Trade, Elmina, Ghana.  August 2007

  • “Murid Identity and Conceptions of History: Images of Sufism, Reform, and Colonization” African Studies Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana          November 2004

  • “Islamic Reform, Revolution, and Jihad: Sufi Perspectives of Social and Political Change” World History Association Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. June 2003

  • “The Forging of New Colonial Relationships: The Experiences of a Murid Town During World War I” African Studies Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA November 1999