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Kelly Hankin

Professor of Film Studies
Media & Communication, Johnston Center for Integrative Studies

Professional Background

Professor Hankin's courses focus on the art, history, and politics of film and media cultures and practices. Staple film courses include The Art of Film, Gay/Lesbian/Queer Cinemas, Women Filmmakers, Travel Media, and Documentary Dilemmas & Controversies, while topical interdisciplinary courses such as Election Narratives, Making Meaning of Travel, and Surveillance & Culture help students navigate the role of media in shaping our individual and collective lives. Hankin is the author of The Girls in the Back Room: Looking at the Lesbian Bar (University of Minnesota Press, 2002) and Documenting the American Student Abroad: The Media Cultures of International Education (Rutgers University Press, 2021). She has taught at Redlands since 2002.