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Ivonne Gordon-Vailakis Ph.D.



  • Ph.D., Latin American Literature, University of California, Irvine
  • specialization in Contemporary Latin American Poetry, and Literary Theory with an emphasis Chicano Studies
  • M.A., Spanish, San Diego State University
  • with emphasis on Latin American and Peninsular Literature

Professional Background

Previous Teaching Experience

  • University of California, San Diego, Visiting Assistant Professor, International Relations and Pacific Studies 1989-1991

Professional Experience

  • Editor of several poetry journals, translator, professor for court interpreting translating certificate


  • Modern Literature Association (MLA)
  • Association of Spanish and Portuguese Teachers (ASPT)
  • Ecuatorianistas Association (EA)
  • Latina/os Network, Faculty Advisor since 1992

Areas of Expertise

  • Human Rights Literature

  • Travel Literature

  • Exile, Diaspora, Immigration

  • Literature of the Fantastic

  • Literature of the Body

  • Literature Representing the Other in Latin America

  • Border Writers: Literature of the Border/Borderlands

  • Latin American Contemporary Poetry

  • Gabriela Mistral

  • Jorge Carrera Andrade

  • Women Writers

  • Myths and Rituals



Meditar de sirenas: Sweden: Simon Editor, 2013

El barro blasfemo: Blasphemous Clay. Madrid, España: 2009

Manzanilla del insomnio. Quito, Ecuador: El Conejo Press, 2002.

Colibríes en el exilio. Quito, Ecuador: El Conejo Press, 1997.

Chicano Literary Prize: 1985-1987: University of California, Irvine, 1988.

Nuestrario. Mexico: Impretei Press, 1987.


Book Chapters

"A Hungry Wolf: The Mask and the Spectacle of Gender in Gabriela Mistral" in The Audacious Traveler: Gabriela Mistral, ed. Marjorie Agosín, (Ohio: Ohio University Press, 2003).

"Running Borders: La Llorona as a Mode of Resistance" Culture and Society: Dialoguing Issues in Chicana Scholarship, ed. María Herrera-Sobek, (University of California Press, 2000).


Scholarly Articles

"La marginalización de la literatura ecuatoriana." Estudios de literatura ecuatoriana. (Forthcoming)

"Jorge Carrera Andrade." Hispanic Literatura Enciclopedia. (Forthcoming)

"Mientras más deseo más tentación: Lo carnavalesco en La casa del sano placer de Alicia Yánez Cossío: "Letras del Ecuador (Forthcoming)

"Búsqueda de memoria: el poeta sin cielo Jorge Carrera Andrade,"Homenaje a Jorge Carrera Andrade, Kipus: Revista Andina de letras, No. 15, (2002-2003).

"La trasgresión en la voz maternal en Gabriela Mistral" Alpha, No. 19, (2003).

"Estaba la pájara pinta sentadita en otro verde limón: Gabriela Mistral y la otredad en su poesía." Quimera, (Barcelona, España, 2001).

"El mar como espacio de resistencia en la poesía de Gabriela Mistral" Alpha., No. 15, (1999).


Creative Writing

Poetry: Anthologies:

"The Foreigner" and other poems: in Women's Writing Anthology: Honoring other Women Poets,(forthcoming).

"To Wash Your Feet" and other poems: in Prometeo: Medellin, Colombia, 2009.

"El buda" and other poems: in Cuando sale el sol. ed. Rei Berroa (Santo Domingo: Editorial Banco Central, 2008).

"La maleta estaba llena," and other poems, Writing Towards Hope: The Literature of Human Rights in Latin America, ed. Marjorie Agosín, (Yale University Press: 2006).

"Las plazas," "Como huesos albinos," and other poems, in Mujeres mirando al Sur: Antología de poetas suramericanas en los U.S.A. ed. Zulema Moret, (Spain: Ediciones Torremoza, 2004). 97-104.


Awards and service

  • Professor sought for international event 2016
  • Honored Guest at Cultural Center in Santiago Chile (2014)
  • Honored Guest to International Poetry Festival, El Salvador (2014)
  • Honored Guest at Cultural Center in Carmen del Viboral, Antioquia, Colombia (2013)
  • Named Honored Poet of new Cultural Movement: Gesta de Cantores: A cultural group with no boundaries or borders (2012)
  • Invited as Honored Guest Poet to Medellin's Cultural Center, Cerro del Angel (2012)
  • Writing Award for EKAMEA, Greece (2010)
  • Invited to read at International Poetry Festival, Medellín, Colombia(2009)
  • Invited poet to read at Library of Congress, Washington, D.C
  • Finalist of Brazil's International Poetry Contest, for manuscript I Dream with Two Pillows (2005)
  • Oxford Round Table Discussant, "Women's Rights," Lincoln College, Oxford, England. (2004)
  • Poetry Award "Jorge Carrera Andrade" for the book, Manzanilla del insomnio. (2003)
  • Award for Outstanding Research/Creative Activity, U. of Redlands
  • Fulbright Senior Research Scholar: The Trouble of Travels: Jewish Diaspora in Ecuador, (1999)
  • Advisor of the Year Award, U. of Redlands
  • Finalist of the Most Prestigious Award in Latin America, "Casa de las Américas" for Bilingual manuscript, Hummingbirds in Exile.
  • Mortar Board Professor of the Year Award


  • "Marginality and Ecuadorian Literature," Literature Conference, University of Louisville. (2012)
  • "Geographies of a Poet," Twentieth International Literature Conference, University of Louisville, Kentucky (2012)
  • "An Identity Has Multiple Sides," Celebrating Hispanic and Cultural Diversity Month, SUNY, New York (2012)
  • "A University without walls: Service learning within the Humanities," HERA Conference, San Francisco, California. (2011)
  • "I am Word, Celebrating Hispanic Month, Western University, Kentucky (2011)
  • "Identity and Travels in the Poetry of Jorge Carrera Andrade," International Conference on Travels, Berlin, Germany (2009)
  • "Erotic Graffiti," Disjunctions Conference: English Dept. University of California, Riverside. (2003)