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Trish Cornez

Director of Computer Science
Math & Computer Science


  • M.A., Interdisciplinary – Computer Science and Information Systems, California State University, San Bernardino
  • B.S., Computer Science, University of New Mexico

Professional Background

Trish Cornez recently wrote a textbook, co-authored with Rick Cornez, on programming using ActionScript 3.0, the underlying language of Flash. The publisher is Jones and Bartlett Learning.

This book, An Introduction to Programming with ActionScript 3.0, was conceived with two types of individuals in mind: the programming student and multimedia developers. By using the Flash environment, this book integrates key OOP concepts that are related to the world of programming seen daily in an easy to understand and straight-forward approach such as the development of games and web applications utilizing graphics, animation, and sound.

Trish worked as a software engineer in Seattle and Colorado before coming to the University of Redlands. While at the University, she has coauthored texts on Mac and Windows applications.

Trish's interests include animation and algorithmic art, low-polygon modeling, multimedia game programming, immersive responsive systems, mobile computing (particularly Android), game algorithms and AI, compilers, and web development.


  • IEEE

  • ACM

  • SIGGRAPH (Special Interest Group within ACM)



  • Trish Cornez, "Android Programming Concepts," Jones and Bartlett Publisher, June 2017. 
  • Trish Cornez, "Introduction to AS3," Jones and Bartlett Publisher, October 2014.