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Stephanie Lovell

Artist Teacher, Piano
Conservatory of Music

About Stephanie Lovell

Stephanie Lovell is an adjunct faculty at the University of Redlands where she serves as staff accompanist, piano faculty, professor of Music Theory and instructor in the Community School of Music and the Arts. Lovell has had opportunity to collaborate with internationally renowned musicians such as Arturo Delmoni, Ransom Wilson, Ian Bousfield and Gene Pokorny. Born to missionary parents in Japan, Stephanie Lovell received her early musical training there, then later entered the University of Redlands to study with Louanne Fuchs Long, under whose tutelage she completed her Bachelors and Masters of Music Degrees in Piano Performance, graduating summa cum laude. During her university years, she won several competitions, including the prestigious Joanna Hodges International Piano Conference and Competition in which she was a four-time winner. She was also privileged to solo with orchestras in the Inland Empire. An exercising and hiking enthusiast, Stephanie tries to balance her professional life with outdoor activities. Among the many joys of her life, her grandchildren hold a place of special delight!


  • B.M., University of Redlands

  • M.M., University of Redlands