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Kamala Gollakota Ph.D.

Business Administration & Management


  • Ph.D., Management Science (Organizations and Strategic Management), University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
  • Post Graduate Diploma (Personnel Management and Industrial Relations), Xavier Labor Relations Institute
  • B.A., (honors), Economics, University of Delhi, India

Professional Background

Previous Teaching Experience

University of South Dakota

  • August 1995- 2005: Associate Professor
  • August 1989- August 1995: Assistant Professor

University of Maryland Union College

  • June 2003 Adjunct Associate Professor – Online MBA program

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

  • August 1985- August 1989: Teaching Assistant/Research Assistant/Instructor
  • Courses taught: Strategic Management, Organizational Behavior and Theory, International Management and Human Resource Management

Previous Relevant Work Experience

  • July 1981 – July 1982: Management Trainee – Crompton Greaves Limited
  • July 1982 – July 1985: Human Resource Management officer

Responsible for all Human Resource activities of the Northern Region Sales office. Duties included recruitment, selection, training, coordination of performance appraisal and other HR activities.


  • Strategic Management Society
  • Academy of Management


Gupta, V., Gollakota, K., & Srinivasan R. (2007) Strategic Management.  Prentice Hall (India). Revised 2nd Edition.  (last reprinted in 2014).


Pick, J, Gollakota, K and Singh, M. (2014) Technology for Development: Understanding Influences on Use of Rural Telecenters in India. Information Technology for Development. Vol 20, No.4, 296-323.


Gollakota, K, Gupta, V and Bork, J. (forthcoming). Reaching Customers At The Base Of The Pyramid – A Two-Stage Business Strategy. Thunderbird International Business Review. Accepted for publication.

Gupta, V., Gollakota, K., & Srinivasan R. (2005) Strategic Management.  Prentice Hall (India).

Gollakota, K and Pick, J. and Sathyapriya (2012). Using Technology to Alleviate Poverty: Use and Acceptance of Telecenters in Rural India. Information Technology for Development.    18 (3): 185-208.


Gollakota, K. (2009). ResMed – Waking up to Sleep. Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies. Forthcoming.

Awards and Service

  • Gollakota, K. (2017) “Supply Chain Opportunities for Alleviating Rural Poverty” accepted presentation at International Eastern Academy of Management conference XVII conference, which will be held in Gold Coast, Australia June 18th to June 22nd 2017.
  • Gollakota, K, Pick J and Singh M (2015) “Understanding Non-users of Rural Telecenters’ Presented at the 4th Biennial Indian Academy of Management Conference, Noida, India Dec 11-13, 2015.
  • Gollakota, K, Pick J and Singh, M. (2015) “Factors Influencing Adoption of Technology by Base of the Pyramid Farmers. Presented at the Eastern Academy of Management 'Managing In A Global Economy XVI' Conference in Lima, Peru June 21-25.
  • Gollakota, K, and Pick J (2013). “Adoption of Technology by Base of the Pyramid Farmers: An Extension of the UTAUT Model”.  Presented at the International Decision Sciences Institute-Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference, in Bali, Indonesia. July 9-13. 
  • Pick, J, Gollakota, K, and Singh, M. (2012). "Technology for Development: Understanding Influences on Use of Rural Telecenters in India" presented at the Pre- ECIS Workshop of the Association for Information Systems Special Interest Group for ICT in Global Development (SIG GlobDev) Barcelona, Spain, on June 10th.
  • Gollakota, K and Pick, J (2010). “Rural Telecenters:  A Strategic and Innovation Adoption Perspective” Presented at the Strategic Management Society 30th Annual International Conference, Rome September 12-15.
  • Gollakota, K and Gupta, V (2009). "Corporations, the Poor and Value Analysis: To Serve or be Served?" Presentation at the Annual Academy of Management, Chicago, IL. August 7-11, 2009.
  • Gollakota, K and Doshi, K (2009). "Sustainability and Impact of Microfinance: Accion, San Diego" Presented in the poster session and Virtual Global Forum at the 2009 Global Forum for Business as an Agent of World Benefit: "Manage by Designing in an Era of Massive Innovation," June 2-5, 2009, Cleveland.
  • Gollakota, K and Doshi, K (2009). " Influences on Diffusion of Technology in Rural Areas." Presented at the 2009 Global Forum for Business as an Agent of World Benefit: "Manage by Designing in an Era of Massive Innovation," June 2-5, 2009, Cleveland.
  • Gollakota, K and Pick J. (2008) "Evaluating Private Sector ICT Initiatives in Rural India" Presented at the Strategic Management Society India Special Conference. December 12-14. Hyderabad, India.
  • Pick, J., Gollakota, K. Falatoonzadeh, H. and Greene, R. (2008). "Readiness of Small Enterprises for GIS: The Question of Strategy". Presented at the 14th Annual Americas Conference on Information Systems in Toronto on 14-17 August.
  • Pick, J. Gollakota, K. and Falatoonzadeh, H (2008). "GIS for Advantage in Marketing and Routing: Case Study of a Small Home Accessories Firm" Presented at the 2008 Spatial Analysis for Business Conference, April 27. Chicago.
  • Gollakota, K, Pick, James and Falatoonzadeh, Hamid.(2008) "ABC Blinds". Presented at the Western Casewriters Association Conference, March. Oakland, CA.
  • Gollakota, K. (2007) "ResMed" Annual North American Case Research Conference October 18-21 at Keystone, CO.
  • Ragothaman, S. and Gollakota, K. (2007). "An Empirical Analysis of Firm Characteristics and Corporate Governance". Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Decision Sciences Institute. April 13-14 Chicago.
  • Gollakota. K (2006) "ICT use by businesses in rural India: The case of EID Parry's Indiagriline". Presentation at the Global Forum on Business as an Agent of World Benefit: Management Knowledge Leading Positive Change. (Academy of Management, United Nations Global Compact). Cleveland. Ohio. October.
  • Gupta, V and Gollakota K (2006) "Technological Growth in Pre-Medieval China: Moving beyond Traditional Thinking". Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia. August, 2006.
  • Gollakota, K. "Daktronics" (2005) Presented at the Annual North American Case Research Association (NACRA). Falmouth, MA October 27-29.
  • Gollakota, K and Gupta, V. (2005) "History, Ownership Forms and Corporate Governance Systems: A study of the Indian Context". Presented at the Annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Honolulu, Hawaii August 5-10.
  • V. Gupta and Gollakota, K. (2003)"Quality in Business Education: A Study of the Indian Context". Presented at the Conference Business Education and Emerging Markets: Trends and Prospects, November 7.
  • Arogyaswamy, K. (1999) "Things Are Not Always What They Seem: Outsiders Perceptions of Ethics and Ethical Standards of Diverse Insiders" Midwest Academy of Management Conference.
  • Loeb, S. &Arogyaswamy, K (1994). "Sexism in Advertising and the Glass Ceiling". Proceedings of the ASAC Vol 15, No. 11, pp 70-79.
  • Arogyaswamy, B. and Arogyaswamy, K.(1994) "Gestalts of Turnaround - A Neural Network Application". Proceedings of the Midwest Academy of Management Thomas C. Head and Trudy Verser (eds.) pp. 55-60.
  • Arogyaswamy, K. and Yasai-Ardekani, M. (1993) "The Impact of timing of strategies on the extent of organizational turnaround." Abstract in the Proceedings of the Strategic Management Society 13th Annual International Conference, Chicago, September.
  • Arogyaswamy, K., and Yasai-Ardekani, M.(1992) Impact of efficiency, cutback and rejuvenation strategies on organizational turnaround. Abstract in the Proceedings of The EURO XII/TIMS XXXI Joint International Conference, Helsinki.
  • Arogyaswamy, K., and Yasai-Ardekani, M. (1990) Towards a Dynamic Approach to Modeling Organizational Turnaround. Abstract in the Proceedings of Academy of Management, 50th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August.

Areas of Expertise

  • Strategic Management
  • Organizational Behavior and Theory
  • International Management
  • Strategic Planning
  • Business engagement for poverty alleviation
  • Performance Measurement