Mousumi De Ph.D.
About Dr. De
Mousumi De has a background in using visual arts, media and new media technologies, including Makerspaces, for multicultural and peace education, social justice education, conflict transformation, education for global citizenship and sustainable development, STEM education, social and emotional learning, and social development of minority, marginalized and indigenous communities. De also focuses on technology integration in art education and art-based teaching, learning and assessment. De has a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Indiana University, Bloomington, with a major in Art Education and minor in Educational Psychology. De received the 2019 Dissertation Award for Outstanding National Recognition in Art Education, from the United States Society for Education through Art (USSEA) and honored as an Emerging Scholar in 2016 by the International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL).
Prior to her current appointment, De was Assistant Professor of Art Education in the School of Art at Bowling Green State University, Adjunct Lecturer of Art Education at California State University Long Beach, and Associate Instructor in the School of Education at Indiana University. De has also worked as Educational Technology Specialist, Online Learning Support Assistant and Researcher on various educational and social development projects in US, UK and India. De has over ten years teaching experience in higher education including online and hybrid courses to education and non-education majors. She has worked with children and youth from minority communities in the UK, inner-city, internally displaced, migrant and urban communities in India, and rural, low-socioeconomic, refugee, special needs and minority communities in US.
De’s commitment to social justice, diversity and inclusion reflects in her teaching, research and service. She is especially interested in promoting use of technology in education among women and girls.
Ph.D., Curriculum & Instruction, Indiana University, Bloomington
M.Phil., Media Studies, Coventry University, Coventry, UK
M.A., Design and Digital Media, Coventry University, Coventry, UK
B.A., English, Economics, History & Hindi, Delhi University, India
Certificate, Fashion Design & Clothing Technology, National Institute of Fashion Technology, New Delhi, India
Professional Background
- Art Education
- New media Technology integration in Art education
- Peace, Social Justice, Multicultural and Global Citizenship Education through Art
- Education for Sustainable Development through Art
- Social and Emotional Learning through Art
- STEM Education through Art
- Online Art Instruction Art-based Teaching and Learning
- Visual Methodologies in Qualitative Research
- International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL)
- International Society for Education through Art (InSEA)
- American Education Research Association (AERA)
- National Art Education Association (NAEA)
- World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE)
De, M. (2019). [Review of the book Make Arts for a Better Life: A Guide for Working with Communities by B. Schrag and K. J. Van Buren]. Asia Pacific Media Educator. 29 (2), December 2019
De, M. (2018). Empowering underserved young British Muslim girls to initiate a dialogue about peace using Freire's critical pedagogy and reflective arts practice. Contribution to Chapter 8: Community of Intersectionality (p. 147) and Ancillary (pp. 123-130) in Richards, A. & Willis, S. “Global Consciousness through the Arts: A Passport for Students and Teachers”. Des Moines, IA: Kendall-Hunt Publishers.
De, M. (2016). Empowering tribal communities towards sustainable food security: A case-study of the Purumunda Community Media Lab in India. In H. Devere, K. Te Maihāroa & J. Synott (Eds.), Peace-building and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Experiences and Strategies for the 21st Century. Springer Press, pp. 105-115.
De, M. (2015). Educating for peace through visual arts: Challenges and considerations. In S. Schonmann (Eds.), International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education 3/2015. Waxmann Verlag, pp. 185-190.
De, M. (2014). Rethinking UNESCO’s commitment to education for peace and international understanding through art: From the Bristol seminar to the Seoul agenda. In L. Farrell, S. Schonmann, & E. Wagner (Eds.), International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education 2/2014. Waxmann Verlag, pp. 172-182.
Altman, R., & De, M. (2010). Expanding possibilities for underserved and marginalized youth using Freire’s critical pedagogy of active and reflective arts practice: Three case studies from Bronx (USA), Coventry (UK) and New Delhi (India). UNESCO Observatory Multidisciplinary Research in the Arts: e-Journal. Australia: University of Melbourne, Vol1 Issue 5. (Joint first authorship)
Awards and Service
- Dissertation Award for Outstanding National Recognition in Art Education, United States Society for Education through Art (USSEA) (2019)
- Nominated, Distinguished Ph.D. Dissertation Award, School of Education, Indiana University (2019)
- Nominated, Dissertation Award, International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) (2019)
- Nominated, Eisner Doctoral Research Award in Art Education, National Art Education Association (NAEA) (2019)
- Emerging Scholars Fund Award, International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) (2016)
- Best Student Presentation Award, International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) (2016)
- Finalist, John H. Edwards Fellowship, Indiana University, (2016, 2014)
- Mildred R. Lowell Teaching Scholarship Award, Art Education, School of Education, Indiana University (2015, 2012, 2011)
- Overseas Research Students Award Scheme (ORSAS), Coventry University, UK (2004-2008)
- Most Creative Ambience: Visual Merchandising, Wis-a-Vis '94, National Institute of Fashion Technology, New Delhi, India (1995)
- Best Traditional Craftsmanship Award, National Institute of Fashion Technology, New Delhi, India (1995)
- Curriculum & Instruction Graduate Student Travel Award, School of Education, Indiana University (2018-2011)
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Research Grant, Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, (CITL) Indiana University (2017)
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Research Grant, Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, (CITL) Indiana University (2016)
- BKJ – German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning Travel fund Remscheid, Germany, (2015)
- International Peace Research Association (IPRA) Accommodation Grant (2014)
- BKJ – German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning Travel fund, Remscheid, Germany, (2013)
- Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), Government of India Travel Grant (2008)
- Coventry Peace Month Small Grants, Coventry City Council, Coventry, UK (2006)