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This page contains information on what to do when there are evacuation orders.

In advance of an emergency, become familiar with your work/living area and exit locations. Evacuation orders may be given for multiple purposes.

  1. When the fire alarm sounds, an evacuation is ordered, or when it becomes obvious that an evacuation is necessary, do not panic but walk quickly to the closest emergency exit or follow the instructions of emergency personnel. Alert others to do the same.

  2. Before leaving, secure your work area and gather personal belongings if it is safe to do so and time permits.

  3. Do not use elevators unless authorized by emergency personnel.

  4. Assist any disabled persons in exiting the building. Follow guidelines in Evacuation for Persons with Functional Needs.

  5. Walk in a single file line to the right through corridors and stairwells.

  6. Avoid unnecessary talking and keep the lines moving.

  7. Individuals requiring assistance in evacuation should proceed to stairwell entrance area and wait for assistance.

  8. If smoke is encountered, drop to the floor and crawl along the wall to the nearest exit.

  9. Once outside, move to the building's designated evacuation assembly area (EAA) or alternate location if primary location is unsafe. See Evacuation Assembly Areas Map for your buildings assembly location.

  10. Keep streets and walkways next to exits and buildings clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.

  11. Report to Roll Taker, Residence Life Staff, or Building Manager at the Evacuation Assembly Area. If requested, assist emergency personnel.

  12. If an Incident Command Post is set up, keep clear of it unless you have important information to report.

  13. DO NOT RETURN TO AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless directed to do so by Public Safety or other emergency personnel.

Not all emergencies require the same evacuation procedures. The differences in evacuation procedures for some specific emergencies are provided in Considerations for Specific Evacuations.