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Redlands Student Government

What is the Redlands Student Government?

The Redlands Student Government (RSG) is intended to allow the maximum amplification of student voices, to assure elected representatives are positioned to be seen and heard, and regularly seek support, insights, opinions, and guidance from those they represent.

Our Mission:

We, the Redlands Student Government, serve as the official governance body representing the rights, needs, and interests of College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) undergraduate students at the University of Redlands. Driven by open communication, innovative ideas, and a commitment to an accessible and discrimination-free educational environment, our mission is to advocate for the needs and interests of the students we represent, in collaboration with other student governance structures, campus leadership, and allies from across campus.

Cabinet Positions:

The cabinet, which is led by the RSG President, is comprised of the Senior Vice President, Vice President of Legacy and Logistics, Treasurer, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair, Sergeant at Arms, and Public Relations Officer. All positions are elected by CAS undergraduate students.


The Senate is comprised of twelve elected representatives from each of the four classes, first-year, sophomore, junior, and senior. Senators will be appointed to one of three standing committees: Finance, Outreach and Involvement, and Accountability. Each senator can rank their preference for committees, but the Sergeant at Arms will be charged with the ultimate assignment of committee positions.

Election process:

All elected positions are for a one-year term. Members are eligible for reelection to the same position for a total of two terms. Installation of newly elected RSG representatives will occur at the final RSG meeting of the Spring semester. Those who assume an office role during the Fall term will assume their role at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the RSG Cabinet and/or Senate. Elected officers cannot hold more than one position at a time. Standing committees will include one elected Senator, or designee, from each of the four classes, First-year, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior. General Council members may be asked to serve on committees, as needed.


  1. All are welcome to apply for student government. To begin the process, the student must have AND maintain a GPA of 2.7 or higher, and provide consent of GPA verification and social standing
  2. A student must be nominated to campaign. To get nominated, the student can self nominate with the authorization from a staff/faculty member OR a staff/faculty member nominates the student. This nomination period lasts 2 weeks in either case
  3. The student is now able to campaign around campus for a one week period.
  4. The student body now votes on each nominated individual

RSG Positions:

• Preside over Cabinet and General Council meetings, as well as other meetings as necessary.

• Hold elected representatives accountable, to assure they are meeting expectations, and effectively representing those they serve.

• Actively identify opportunities to enhance impact and engagement in collaboration with key stakeholders across campus and in the broader Redlands community.

• Meet no less than twice a semester with the University President, the Provost, and the CAS Dean to relay updates and advocate on behalf of CAS undergraduates. Meets on a regular basis with the RSG advisor(s).

• Attend other student governance organization meetings as needed. Represent the student voice at meetings of the Board of Trustees.

• Represent the CAS undergraduate student body at campus and community events.

• Attend meetings in place of the RSG President, as needed.

• Meet weekly with the RSG President to develop meeting agendas, review progress on tasks assigned, and discuss strategies for areas of concern or opportunity.

• Work with university administration and student support functions, as well as the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences to serve as a supportive resource for student academic success.

• Represent the CAS undergraduate student body at campus and community events.

• Should the President position be vacated, assume leadership of the RSG.

• Take minutes at all RSG meetings to be submitted for approval at the next meeting, and archive documents to preserve historical information and context.

• Assume oversight of a student government calendar that is reflective of relevant meetings and locations, campus events, to include sporting events, community programming, and campus traditions.

• Secure meeting/gathering rooms, and manage all associated logistics, to include timely notice of meetings to RSG members and general members. Responsible for meeting attendance.

• Serve as organizational liaison to the Event Services team.

• Serve as a co-Chair of the Student Fee Allocation Advisory Committee (FAAC)

• Creates budget proposals for RSG funding.

• Leads fundraising efforts for RSG.

• Conduct advocacy work to increase the representation and inclusion of underrepresented communities on campus.

• Lead efforts to create a welcoming and safe campus for all people, regardless of color, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, social or economic class, ability, and nationality.

• Host monthly meetings with all diversity organizations on campus and serve as their liaison to RSG.

• Work with the Office for Inclusion and Community (OIC) to host, at least once-a-year, a Town Hall meeting to discuss the current campus climate and how RSG can or should respond to areas of concern.

• Meet with the Hispanic Serving Institution Committees individually once a semester.

• Serve as the RSG liaison to the International Student Office.

• Chairs the Accountability Committee

• Maintains a list of tasks assigned to Cabinet members and the deadline for completion.

• Assign senators to committee positions, lead efforts to replace vacancies, and communicate with each committee chair relative to these appointments.

• Audit attendance of those appointed to represent the student voice on standing or ad-hoc committees.

• Ensure meetings stay on track and are efficient.

• Chair the Outreach and Involvement Committee.

• Take lead on marketing and communication efforts to include notice of RSG standing meetings, as well as sponsored or hosted events.

• Serve as RSG liaison to Doing Activities With Great Spirit (DAWGS) reporting on scheduled events at all RSG standing and hosted events, and via established RSG marketing pathways.

• Collaboration with the Bulldog Athletics Sports Information Director, as well as the Director and Coach of Bulldog Esports to assist with marketing of sporting events.

The Senate is comprised of twelve elected representatives, three from each of the four classes, first-year, sophomore, junior, and senior. Senators will be appointed to one of three standing committees: Finance, Outreach and Involvement, and Accountability. Each senator can rank their preferred committee assignment; however, the Sergeant at Arms, at their sole discretion, responsible for all committee appointments.

Fall 2024 Election Timeline

Read the RSG Constitution. (click here)

RSG Election Timeline

Have anymore questions?

Email us at: Or come visit us in the SIS lounge! Located on the second floor of the Hunsaker University Center, just above the student mailboxes.