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Human-Animal Studies

The HAST program has especially practical relevance for those pursuing animal-related careers in zoos or aquariums, wildlife rehabilitation, endangered species conservation, animal shelters and rescues, animal advocacy, veterinary medicine, or laboratory science.


Human-Animal Studies (HAST) is a growing interdisciplinary field that examines relationships between humans and other animals. HAST scholars critically analyze the connections between humans and other animals: historical and contemporary, factual and fictional, real and symbolic, beneficial and detrimental. By exploring ecological, biological, literary, psychological, and ethical connections between our own species and others, we acquire a greater understanding of the ways in which animals figure in our lives - and we in theirs.

The HAST program has especially practical relevance for those pursuing animal-related careers in zoos or aquariums, wildlife rehabilitation, endangered species conservation, animal shelters and rescues, animal advocacy, veterinary medicine, or laboratory science.

The HAST major can be combined with a second major in Biology, Environmental Studies, Philosophy, Psychology, or other fields. The HAST minor nicely complements a major in any of the disciplines above.

Distinctive Features

We are the only HAST program in California and one of only nine throughout the nation. We are interdisciplinary, asking students to combine courses in Philosophy, Biology, Psychology, Environmental Studies, and other areas of study that address human-animal relationships.

Every student completes a Practicum – an experiential project that involves working hands-on with or for animals. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways; and we have connected students with animal-oriented organizations in students’ hometowns, in the Redlands area, and around the world.
Every fall we host a HAST Lecture Series, with world-renowned animal experts and activists coming to speak to the University of Redlands and Inland Empire communities. Past themes have included “Down on the Farm: the Mental Lives of Farmed Animals,” “On the Margins: Shared Human-Animal Experiences,” and “Clash of Species: Living at the Wildlife/Urban Interface.”
Students are given the opportunity to make personal connections with our lecturers at dinners and beyond. Speakers have included marine biologist Lori Marino, animal ethologist Marc Bekoff, Farm Sanctuary founder Gene Bauer, and ecofeminist author Carol Adams.

Interested in learning more about Human-Animal Studies?

The primary organization promoting Human-Animal Studies is the Animals & Society Institute (ASI). Its mission is "Advancing human knowledge to improve animal lives;" its vision is "A compassionate world where animals flourish." The ASI site provides a wealth of resources for HAST students: lists of jobs, internships, degree programs, key readings, definitions, a newsletter, and information about forming a student Chapter of the ASI on one's campus. There's also an Undergraduate journal in HAST, Sloth, in which we have had student work published. You can find an engaging video glossary of key HAST terms, including a 4-minute video definition of "Animal Ethics" by our own Professor Kathie Jenni.

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