Lillian I. Larsen
Ph.D. Columbia University, Religion – New York, NY
M.Phil. Columbia University, Religion – New York, NY
M.A. Catholic Theological Union – Chicago, IL
M.Div. Catholic Theological Union – Chicago, IL
M.Ed. University of Massachusetts – Amherst, MA
B.S. Wheaton College, Mathematics – Wheaton, IL
Professional Background
Professor Larsen's work remains deeply rooted in pedagogical approaches formed in a broad spectrum of educational environments. Improbably, her interest in re-reading Christian sources (and more particularly, the Apophthegmata Patrum - the collected sayings and stories of early Egyptian monks) began while teaching secondary mathematics in an urban classroom. Since that point, Larsen's investments have been iteratively defined (and refined) through exploring the role religion has played in shaping ancient, and derivatively, contemporary learning. From early in her tenure at Redlands, she has also integrated spatial approaches into both research and teaching. By virtue of turning emergent GIS tools to non-traditional ends, this award-winning work has particularly focused on finding new ways to visualize religious, cultural, and pedagogical exchange. However, whether 'excavating the excavations' of Greek and Coptic school artifacts, or examining emergent Christian teaching in light of ancient (and contemporary) cartography, Larsen's deft use of diverse lenses, invites understanding religion as an avenue for cultural and civic formation - within and across geographical divides.
Previous Teaching Experience
2018-Present, Professor of Early Christianity, Department of Religion, University of Redlands – Redlands, CA
2012-2018, Assistant Professor of Early Christianity, Department of Religion, University of Redlands – Redlands, CA
2006-2012, Associate Professor of Early Christianity, Department of Religion, University of Redlands – Redlands, CA
2009-2016, Research Fellow, Early Monasticism and Classical Paideia (MOPAI), Lund University – Lund, Sweden
2004-2006, Course Developer/Instructor – "The World of World Religions in New York," School of Continuing Education, Columbia University – New York, NY
2002-2005, Literature Humanities Preceptor, Columbia College, Columbia University – New York, NY
2002-2005, Graduate Tutor, Church History/Early Christianity, Union Theological Seminary – New York, NY
2000-2003, Teaching Assistant, Religious Studies, Columbia University – New York, NY
1999, Research Fellow, Church History, Lund University/Swedish Institute – Lund, Sweden
1986-1996, Secondary School Instructor, Mathematics, Proviso East High School – Maywood, IL
- American Academy of Religion
- Association of American Geographers
- Byzantine Studies Society
- Collegium Patristicum Lundense
- International Association of Coptic Studies
- North American Patristic Society
- Saint Shenouda Coptic Society
- Society of Biblical Literature:
- Rhetoric and the New Testament (Chair)
- Meals in the Graeco-Roman World (Steering Committee)
- Westar Institute Fellow:
- Board of Directors
- Christianity Seminar (Co-chair)
- Larsen, Lillian I. and Samuel Rubenson, eds. Monastic Education in Late Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Pedagogical Parallels: Re-reading the Apophthegmata Patrum." Ph.D. Dissertation: Columbia University, 2006.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "'The Letter Kills but the Spirit Gives Life': Re-thinking Christian Rescue and the Jewish Holocaust." MA Thesis: Catholic Theological Union, 1998
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Constructing Complexity: Slavery in the Small Worlds of Early Monasticism" in Social Control in Late Antiquity: The Violence of Small Worlds (Kate Cooper and Jamie Wood, eds.; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020b): 131-150.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Redefining Solitude: Monastic Registers of Fictive and Factual Family" Forum 9.1 (2020a): 77-102.
- Larsen, Lillian I. and Jesper Blid. "Material Meals: Space, Inscription and Image as the Texts of Daily Life" in Handbook of Early Christian Meals (Soham Al-Suadi and Peter-Ben Smit, eds.; International Studies on Christian Origins; London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2019): 354-370.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "School Texts" in A Companion to Late Antique Literature (Scott McGill ad Edward J. Watts, eds.; Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World; Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2018b): 471-490.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "'Excavating the Excavations' of Early Monastic Education" in Rethinking Monastic Education (Lillian I. Larsen and Samuel Rubenson, eds.; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018a): 101-124.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Monastic Paideia: Textual Fluidity in the Classroom" in Snapshots of Evolving Traditions: Textual Fluidity, Manuscript Culture, and "New Philology" in the Judaeo-Christian East (Liv Ingeborg Lied and Hugo Lundhaug, eds.; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017c): 156-177.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Mapping Religiously, or Religiously Minding the Map?" in Mapping Across Academia (Stanley Brunn and Martin A. Dodge, eds.; New York: Springer, 2017b): 191-205.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Isidore of Peluse: Monastic Mirror and Montage" in Collected Epistolography in Late Antiquity (Cristiana Sogno, Brad Storin, and Ed Watts, eds.; Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2017a): 286-308.
- Larsen, Lillian I. and Steve Benzek. "Min(d)ing the Gaps: Digital Refractions of Ancient Texts" in Ancient Worlds in Digital Culture (Claire Clivaz, Paul Dilley, and David Hamidovic, eds.; Leiden: Brill, 2016): 128-147.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Early Monasticism and the Rhetorical Tradition: Sayings and Stories as Schooltexts" in Religion and Education in Late Antiquity (Peter Gemeinhardt, Liv Van Hoef and Peter Van Nuffelen, eds.; Farnham: Ashgate, 2016): 13-33.
- Larsen, Lillian I. and Stephen Benzek. "Minding the Gaps: Exploring Ancient Landscapes through the Lens of GIS" in Transformations 25 (2014): 23-36.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Re-drawing the Map: Monastic Education as Civic Formation in the Apophthegmata Patrum" in Coptica 12 (2013b): 1-34.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "On Learning a New Alphabet…Using Classical Models: The Sayings of the Desert Fathers and the Monostichs of Menander" in Studia Patristica 55.3 (2013a): 59-77.
- King, Alyssa, Lillian I. Larsen and Diana Sinton. "The Spatially Interactive Literature Analysis System Study Tool: a GIS classroom tool for interpreting history" in International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 3.3 (2012d): 70-85.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Early Monastic Meals" in Meals and Religious Identity. Texte und Arbeiten zum Neutestamentlichen Zeitalter (Matthias Klinghardt, ed.; Tübingen: A. Francke, 2012c): 307-328.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Resisting a Reclining Culture" in Meals in the Greco-Roman World, Volume One: Social Conflict, Experimentation and Formation at the Meal (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012b): 245-260.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Early Christian Meals and Slavery" in Meals in the Greco-Roman World, Volume One: Social Conflict, Experimentation and Formation at the Meal (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012a): 191-203.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Constructing and Deconstructing the Gospel of John" in Core Texts, Community and Culture: Working Together in Liberal Education (Ronald J. Weber, et al., ed.; Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2009): 135-140.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "The Apophthegmata Patrum: Rustic Rumination or Rhetorical Recitation" in Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum Lundense 22 (2008): 21-31.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "The Apophthegmata Patrum and the Classical Rhetorical Tradition" in Studia Patristica 39 (2007): 409-415.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Ørkenfedrenes Apophthegmata og den klassiske Retoriske Tradisjon" in Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum Lundense 16 (2001): 26-37.
- Larsen, Lillian I. and Samuel Rubenson, "Introduction" to Monastic Education in Late Antiquity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018): 1-9.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Avant Propos" in Writing and Communication in Early Egyptian Monasticism. (Mariachiara Giorda and Malcolm Choat, eds.; Leiden: Brill, 2017): 1-4.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Introduction" in Genealogies of Rhetoric (Troy Martin, ed.; Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014): 1-11.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Education, Early Christian" in Encyclopedia of Gender and the Bible (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014): 186-193.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Virginity" in Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History (Natalie Kampen, ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008): 308-311.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Disciples of Origen" in Westminster Handbook of Origen (J.A. McGuckin, ed.; Louisville: John Knox Press, 2004): 86-91.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "Virtue" in Westminster Handbook of Origen (J.A. McGuckin, ed.; Louisville: John Knox Press, 2004): 214-216.
- Larsen, Lillian I. "On Sketching the Invisible" by Andreas Westergren. Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum Lundense 29 (2014): 147-150.
- Larsen, Lillian I. Writing-Based Teaching: Essential Practices and Enduring Questions, edited by Mary Chang. Journal of Teaching Theology and Religion 14 (2011): 298-300.
- Larsen, Lillian I. Alexandria: A Cultural and Religious Melting Pot, edited by George Hinge and Jens A. Krasilnikoff. Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum Lundense 25 (2010): 102-3.
- Larsen, Lillian I. From Monastery to Hospital: Christian Monasticism and the Transformation of Health Care in Late Antiquity, by Andrew T. Crislip. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 75.4 (2007): 1016-1018.
Awards and service
Faith in the Vaccine Ambassadors Grant. InterFaith Youth Corp (IFYC). Chicago, IL (2021; Co-P.I. with Dr. Sana Tayyen)
Outstanding Faculty Service Award. University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2021; Shared with Dr. Lisa Olsen, Lib. Paige Mann, Dr. Nathaniel Cline, Dr. Hillary Jenkins and Dr. Youna Kwak)
Faculty Research Grant. University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2020-2021; P.I.)
Rapid Response, Spatial Inquiries Grant. Center for Spatial Studies/Esri. University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2020-Present; P.I.)
Spatial Inquiries Grant. Center for Spatial Studies/Esri. University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2019-Present; Co-P.I. with Lib. Shana Higgins)
Faculty Research Grant. University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2019-2020; P.I.)
Curriculum Development Grant. InterFaith Youth Corp (IFYC). Chicago, IL (2018; P.I.)
Outstanding Research Award. University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2018)
Faculty Research Grant. University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2018-2019; P.I.)
Faculty Research Grant. "Monastic School Networks." [Phase Two] University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2017-2018; P.I.)
Wabash Departmental Grant. "Re-drawing the Map of (World) Religion." Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion. Crawfordsville, IN (2015-2017; Co-P.I. with Lib. Shana Higgins)
Faculty Research Grant. "Monastic School Networks." University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2016-2017; P.I.)
HGIS Communities of Practice Grant. "Re-imagining Religious Landscapes." Center for Spatial Studies, University of Redlands (2015-2017; Dr. John Glover, P.I.)
Riksbanken Jubileumsfond Tercentenary Grant. "Monasteries as Schools" in Early Monasticism and Classical Paideia (MOPAI). Lund University, Sweden (2008-2016; Dr. Samuel Rubenson, P.I.)
Faculty Research Grant. "On Learning a New Alphabet: Catalogue of Monastic Schooltexts" [Phase Two]. University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2015-2016; P.I.)
LENS Faculty Research Grant. "Exploring Ancient Landscapes." University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2013-2015; P.I.)
LENS Faculty Research Grant. "Exploring Ancient Landscapes through the Lens of GIS." University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2012-2013; P.I.)
Outstanding Faculty Research Award, University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2012).
Faculty Research Grant. "On Learning a New Alphabet: Catalogue of Monastic Schooltexts." University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2011-2012; P.I.)
Wabash Summer Research Award. "The Grammar of Monasticism: Re-imagining Late Antique Pedagogical and Literary Landscapes." Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion - Lilly Funds. Crawfordsville, IN (2010; P.I.)
Wabash Pre-tenure Faculty Fellow, Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion. Crawfordsville, IN (2009-2010)
Faculty Research Grant. "Rustic Rumination or Rhetorical Recitation?" Faculty Research Grant, University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2008-2009; P.I.)
- Nominee, Innovative Teaching Award, University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2008)
Summer Research Grant. "Mapping the Movement of Monks and Meanderers." MSGIS/NGA, University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (2007-2008; P.I.)
Robert Wood Lynn Teaching Award, Union Theological Seminary. New York, NY (2006)
Whiting Dissertation Fellowship, "Pedagogical Parallels: The Apophthegmata Patrum and the Classical Rhetorical Tradition." Columbia University. New York, NY (2005-2006)
Literature Humanities Preceptorship [Columbia College]. Columbia University. New York, NY (2002-2005)
FLAS Summer Language Fellowships [Modern Greek; Italian]. Columbia University. New York, NY (2001-2003)
Swedish Institute Fellowship [Church History]. Lund University. Lund, Sweden (1999)
Mellon Graduate Fellowship [GSAS, Religious Studies]. Columbia University. New York, NY (1998-2004)
Outstanding Teacher Distinction, Proviso East High School. Maywood, IL (1986-1996)
Larsen, Lillian I. with Emily Adair and Ayesha Morrishaw-Ashley. "Inaugurating Gender and Religion." Story Map Presentation. Spatial University Symposium. University of Redlands (April 14, 2021) and ESRI Users Conference. Redlands, CA (July 13-17, 2021).
Larsen, Lillian I. “Re-scaffolding a Missing Chapter.” Invited presentation. Constructing Knowledge Workshop. University of Pennsylvania, College Park, Center for Jewish Learning. College Park, PA (January 14-16, 2021).
Larsen, Lillian I. and Joseph Fahim. “The Bible as Schooltext.” Saint Shenouda Coptic Society Conference. Los Angeles, CA (August 29, 2020).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Redrawing the Map of Religion in the Inland Empire." Poster Presentation. ESRI Users Conference. Redlands, CA (July 12-15, 2020).
Larsen, Lillian I. “Evagrius in the Classroom.” Invited presentation. Evagrian Pedagogy Workshop. Oxford International Patristic Conference. Oxford University. Oxford, UK (August 13, 2019).
Larsen, Lillian I. “Wine is not for Monks?” Meals in the Greco-Roman World. Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego, CA (November 25, 2019).
Larsen, Lillian I. “Review of Parsons and Martin: Ancient Rhetoric and the New Testament.” Panelist. Rhetoric and the New Testament. Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego, CA (November 24, 2019).
Larsen, Lillian I. “Re-thinking Orthodoxy and Heresy.” Co-presider with Celene Lillie. Westar Meeting. San Diego, CA (November 23, 2019).
Larsen, Lillian I. “Redrawing the Map of Religion in the Inland Empire.” Poster Presentation. Annual Meeting of the UCGIS. Washington, D.C. (June 10-13, 2019).
Larsen, Lillian I. “Biblically Redrawing the Rhetorical Map.” Invited Paper. Rhetoric and the New Testament. Society of Biblical Literature. Denver, CO (November 19, 2018).
Larsen, Lillian I. “On Learning a New Alphabet: Women Teachers and Students in Late Antique Monasticism.” Nordic Patristic Conference. Invited paper. Oslo, Norway (August 13, 2018).
Larsen, Lillian I. “Women Teachers and Students in Early Monasticism.” Forum presentation. University of Agder. Kristiansand, Norway (August 10, 2018).
Larsen, Lillian I. “Wine is Not for Monks? Education as Civic Formation.” Public lecture. University of Agder. Kristiansand, Norway (August 8, 2018).
Larsen, Lillian I. “On Learning a New Alphabet: Women Teachers and Students in Late Antique Monasticism.” St. Shenouda-UCLA Coptic Society Conference. UCLA. Los Angeles, CA (July 21, 2018).
Larsen, Lillian I. “Deconstructing and Reconstructing Emergent Christianity.” ‘Our House’ Research Presentation. University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (May 10, 2018).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Re-writing the Master Narrative." Respondent. History of Christianity Session. Westar Institute. Santa Rosa, CA (March 23, 2018).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Monastic Meals as Ritual Practice." History of Christianity Session. Westar Institute at the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston, MA (November 17, 2017).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Paul (et al) as Palimpsest." Meeting of the Saint Shenouda Coptic Society. University of California, Los Angeles, CA (July 15, 2017).
Larsen, Lillian I. with Alexis Jimenez Maldonado, Chloe Kennedy, Chryse Kruse, and Quinn Navarro. "Redrawing the Map of (World) Religion." Poster Presentation. Esri International Users Conference. San Diego, CA (July 9, 2017).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Excavating the Interpretive Record of Monastic Education." Meeting of the North American Patristic Society (NAPS). Chicago, IL (May 25, 2017).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Paul as Palimpsest." Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG). Boston, MA (April 8, 2017).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Picturing Paul or Paul as Palimpsest?" Faculty Forum Lecture. University of Redlands Faculty Forum. Redlands, CA (January 26, 2017).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Is Freedom an Existential Category in Ancient Discourse?" Respondent. Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL). San Antonio, TX (November 20, 2016).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Hellenistic Sentences as 'Christian' Sayings." Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio, TX (November 19, 2016).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Between Desert and City." Byzantine Studies Conference (BSANA). Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (October 8, 2016).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Monastic Education: Texts and Contexts." Meeting of the International Coptic Congress. Claremont Graduate University. Claremont, CA (July 26, 2016).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Spatial Humanities Student Projects." Poster Presentation. GIS Day. University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (October 15, 2016).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Monasteries as Schools." MOPAI Closing Presentation. Lund University. Lund, Sweden (June 6, 2016).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Monikers of Monastic Education: Monasteries as Schools?" Meeting of the North American Patristic Society. Chicago, IL (May 25, 2016).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Re-drawing the Map." Poster Presentation. Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. San Francisco, CA (March 24, 2016).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Re-defining Monastic Solitude: Fictive (and/or Factual) Family?" History of Christianity Seminar. Westar Institute. Santa Rosa, CA (March 19, 2016)
Larsen, Lillian I. "Re-drawing the Map." GIS Day. University of Redlands. Redlands, CA (March 15, 2016).
Larsen, Lillian I. "On Learning a New Alphabet: Re-reading the Material Record of Monastic Education." Public Lecture. Saint Athanasius and Saint Cyril Coptic Orthodox Theological School. Claremont, CA (March 12, 2016).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Monastic Rhetorics of Speech, Sight, and Space." Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Atlanta, GA (November 23, 2015).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Desert Dining: Dietary Restrictions in Early Monasticism." Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Atlanta, GA (November 21, 2015).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Re-reading the Material Record of Monastic Education." Oxford International Patristic Conference. Oxford, UK (August 10-14, 2015).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Slippery Sources: Sayings and Stories as Schooltexts" Sentences and Sayings Workshop. Lund University. Lund, Sweden (June 6, 2015).
Larsen, Lillian I. and Steve Benzek. "Mapping Monasticism." Mapping Monasticism Consultation. Van Leer Institute. Jerusalem, Israel (February, 2015).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Pedagogical Parallels in Palestinian Monasticism: Re-drawing the Map." Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem (October 23, 2014).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Asceticism." Faculty Research Seminar. University of Torino. Torino, Italy (June 19, 2014).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Monasteries as Schools: Monastery of Epiphanius." Monastic Education Survey. Thebes, Egypt (May 10, 2014).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Excavating the Excavations." Invited Presentation. Education Workshop, Institute for the Study of Antiquity. New York University. New York, NY (May 5, 2014).
Larsen, Lillian I. "'Excavating the Excavations' of Early Monastic Education." Keynote Address. Lund University. Lund, Sweden (October 12, 2013).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Re-imagining Monastic Education." Course Lecture. Education in Late Antiquity. University of California - Riverside, CA (January 23, 2014).
Larsen, Lillian I. "The Letters of Isidore." Epistolography Workshop. University of California - San Diego. La Jolla, CA (January 16, 2014).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Molding Minds and Mending Monks." Invited Lecture. Theology Luncheon. Loma Linda University (April 2, 2013).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Excavating the Excavations: Mapping Monastic Education in Egypt." Forum Lecure. University of Redlands Faculty Forum. Redlands, CA (January 17, 2012).
Larsen, Lillian I. and Steve Benzek. "The Aesthetics of Data Driven Maps." Mapping Aesthetics Workshop. NACIS Meeting. Portland (October 17, 2012).
Research Presentations:
Larsen, Lillian I. "On Learning a New Alphabet...in Coptic." St. Shenouda Coptic Society Conference. UCLA (July 19, 2014).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Tables at Table: The Rhetoric of Early Monastic Meal Practice." Society of Biblical Literature. Baltimore, MD (November 25, 2013).
Larsen, Lillian I. and Steve Benzek. "Min(d)ing the Gaps: Digital Refractions of Ancient Texts." Society of Biblical Literature. Baltimore, MD (November 23, 2013).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Early Monasticism and the Rhetorical Tradition: Sayings and Stories as Schooltexts." Invited Paper. Lichtenberg College. University of Gottingen (June 13, 2013).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Voice and Caricature in the Desert Fathers: Bringing Life to the Larger than Life." Meeting of the North American Patristic Society. Chicago (May 25, 2013).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Paul's Emissaries: Re-presenting the Lives and 'Acts' of Early Christian Women." Meeting of the AAG. Los Angeles (April 10, 2013).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Re-drawing the Map of Early Monasticism." Swedish Institute. Istanbul (February 27, 2013).
Larsen, Lillian I. and Steve Benzek. "Sketching People - Re-presenting Places." Mapping People Mapping Places. University of Redlands (October 30, 2012).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Education and Egyption Monasticism." St. Shenouda Coptic Studies Conference. UCLA (July 18, 2012).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Re-imagining Religious Landscapes through the LENS of GIS." LENS Summer Institute: Mapping Communities. University of Redlands (June 13, 2012).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Apophthegmata in the Classroom." Sharing Ancient Wisdoms Conference. Stockholm University (June 7, 2012).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Cartographic 'Re'-Presentation: Maps as Discrete Refractions of Ancient Texts." Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. New York (February 25, 2012).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Exploring Ancient Landscapes through the 'LENS' of GIS." Applied Geography Conference. University of Redlands (October 21, 2011).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Meals and Monastic Identity." Meals and Religious Identity. Dresden Technical University (June 17, 2011).
Larsen, Lillian I. "A Profile of Eucharistic Origins: Monks, Meals and Meanings." Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Atlanta (November 20-22, 2011).
Larsen, Lillian I. "A Grammar of Monasticism." The Small World of Late Antiquity. Uppsala University. Uppsala, Sweden (May 22, 2010).
Larsen, Lillian I. and Jessica Jones. "Epistolary Exchange: Using Letters as a Tool for Exploring Late Ancient Landscapes." Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Washington, D.C. (April 15, 2010).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Paul in Paradise: The Late Antique Legacy of the Apostle." Reimagining Pauline Legacies. Center for Jewish Studies, Baylor University. Baylor, Texas (April 23-25, 2010).
Larsen, Lillian I. with Jessica Jones. "Epistolary Exchange: Using Letters as a Tool for Exploring Late Ancient Landscapes." Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Washington, D.C. (April 14-18, 2010).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Grammar and Monasticism." Hebrew University, Institute for Advanced Studies. Jerusalem (February 25, 2010).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Resisting a Reclining Culture." Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. New Orleans (November 21-24, 2009).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Reading the Body: Community as Rhetorical Register." Invited Paper. Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. New Orleans, LA (November 23, 2009).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Education in the Desert: Monasteries as Schools in Early Christian Egypt." Guest Lecture. Collegium Patristicum Lundense. Lund University, Sweden (October 5, 2009)
Larsen Lillian I. and Samuel Rubenson. "Early Monasticism and the Classical Heritage." International Symposium on Orthodoxy and Innovation in the Greek Speaking World. University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, Denmark (June 5-7, 2009).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Early Monastic Libraries." Early Christianity Colloquium. Lund University. Lund, Sweden (May 26, 2009).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Implementing SILAS: Exploring the Future of Using GIS to Study the Past." Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Las Vegas (March 23-28, 2009).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Early Christian Meals and Slavery." Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston (November 22-24, 2008).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Holiness and Healing in the Apophthegmata Patrum." Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston (November 22-24, 2008).
Larsen, Lillian I. "The Dead Sea Scrolls in Context." University of Redlands Alumni. Legion of Honor Fine Arts Museum. San Francisco (May 31, 2008).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Reading Rhetoric in the Apophthegmata Patrum." Meeting of the North American Patristic Society. Chicago (May 22-24, 2008).
Larsen, Lillian I. and Bill Huntley. "The Dead Sea Scrolls in Context." University of Redlands Alumni. San Diego Natural History Museum. San Diego (November 3, 2007).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Re-reading the Apophthegmata Patrum." International Conference on Patristic Studies. Oxford University (Aug 6-10, 2007).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Staging Stories: Re-figuring Social Strata Among Late-Roman, Monastic Non-elites" Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Washington, D.C. (Nov 18-21, 2006).
Larsen, Lillian I. "Reading the Apophthegmata Patrum in light of Monastic Material Culture." Meeting of the North American Patristic Society. Chicago (May 24-26, 2006).
Larsen, Lillian I. "The Apophthegmata Patrum and the Classical Rhetorical Tradition." Inaugural Lecture of the New York Patristic Society. Fordham University (Jan 27, 2006).
Areas of Expertise
- Ancient / Monastic Education
- Ancient Rhetoric
- Apophthegmata Patrum
- Bible Geography
- Christian Monasticism
- Gender and Education
- Graeco-Roman / Monastic Meals
- History of Education
- Monastic Wisdom
- Religious Cartography and GIS
- Religion and Education
- Spatial Studies