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Wesley Bernardini 1707x1707

Wesley Bernardini Ph.D.

Sociology & Anthropology


  • Ph.D., Anthropology, Arizona State University
  • M.A., Anthropology, Arizona State University
  • B.A., Anthropology, Arizona State University

Areas of Expertise


Books and Monographs

2021: "Becoming Hopi: A History."  Edited by Wesley Bernardini, Stewart B. Koyiyumptewa, Gregson Schachner, and Leigh Kuwanwisiwma. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

2009: "Hopi History in Stone: The Tutuveni Petroglyph Site."  Arizona State Museum Press, Tuscon.

2005: "Hopi Oral Tradition and the Archaeology of Identity."  University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

2002: "The Gathering of the Clans: Understanding Ancestral Hopi Migration and Identity, A.D. 1275-1400."  Ph.D. dissertation on file at Arizona State University, Tempe. 


Journal Articles and Book Chapters

2022: "The Bonito Factor: How Unique Was Pueblo Bonito?" Kiva 88(4):375-407.

2021: "Comment on Ritual, Labor Mobilization, and Monumental Construction in Small-Scale Societies: The Case of Adena and Hopewell in the Middle Ohio River Valley, by G. Logan Miller." Current Anthropology 62(2):177-178.

2018: "Comparing Near Eastern Neolithic Megasites and Southwestern Pueblos: Population Size, Exceptionalism, and Historical Trajectories." Cambridge Archaeological Journal 28(4):647-663.

2015: "Sight Communities: The Social Significance of Shared Visual Landmarks." In American Antiquity, pp 215-235.

2015: "Mapping the Hopi Landscape for Cultural Preservation." In International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, pp 39-58.

2013: "The Non-Diagnostic Sherd Problem: Lessons from Jeddito Yellow Ware Typology." Kiva, pp 205-227.

2011: "Migration in Fluid Social Landscapes: Units and Processes." In Rethinking Anthropological Perspectives on Migration, edited by Graciela Cabana and Jeffery Clark, pp 31-44. University of Florida Press.

2011: (senior author with Severin Fowles) "Becoming Hopi, Becoming Tewa: Two Pueblo Histories of Movement." In Movement, Connectivity, and Landscape Change in the Ancient Southwest, edited by Margaret Nelson and Colleen Strawhacker, pp. 253-274. University Press of Colorado, Denver.

2011: "North, South, and Center: an Outline of Hopi Ethnogenesis." In Religious Transformation in the Late Prehispanic Pueblo World, edited by S. Van Keuren and D. Glowacki, pp. 196-220. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

2009: "Hopi History in Stone: The Tutuveni Petroglyph Site." Arizona State Museum Press, Tucson.

2009: "Hopi Clan Traditions and the Pedigree of Ceremonial Objects." In Enduring Motives: Religious Traditions of the Americas, edited by Warren DeBoer and Linea Sundstrom. University of Alabama Press.

2009: "Migration in Fluid Social Landscapes: Units and Processes." In Current Developments in the Anthropological Study of Past Human Migration. University of Florida Press

2008: "Identity as History: Hopi Clans and the Curation of Oral Tradition." Journal of Anthropological Research 64:483-509

2007: (senior author with Leigh Kuwanwisiwma) "Hopi Perspectives on the Archaeology of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument." In Learning from the Land, ed. Marietta Eaton. Bureau of Land Management, Cedar City, Utah.

2007: "Understanding Ancestral Hopi Migration and Identity, A.D. 1275-1400." Archaeology Southwest 21(2):9.

2006: "Jeddito Yellow Ware and Hopi Ethnogenesis." Kiva 72(3):295-328.

2006: "The Tutuveni Petroglyph Site." Hopi Cultural Preservation Office, Kykotsmovi, AZ.

2005: Hopi Oral Tradition and the Archaeology of Identity. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

2005: Ethnographic Overview for the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Hopi Cultural Preservation Office, Kykotsmovi, AZ, and the Bureau of Land Management.

2005: "Reconsidering Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Prehistoric Cultural Identity: A Case Study from the American Southwest." American Antiquity 70(1):31-54.

2005: (senior author with C. Carr) "Hopewell Copper Celts from Eastern North America: Their Social and Symbolic Significance." In Gathering Hopewell: Society, Ritual and Ritual Interaction, edited by C. Carr and D. T. Case, pp. 624-647. Plenum Press, New York.

2004: "Hopewell Geometric Earthworks: A Case Study in the Referential and Experiential Meaning of Monuments." Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 23(3):331-356.

2004: (senior author with G. M. Brown) "The Formation of Settlement Clusters on Anderson Mesa." In The Protohistoric Pueblo World, A.D. 1275-1600, edited by E. Charles Adams and Andrew I. Duff, pp. 108-118. University of Arizona Press.

2002: "The Gathering of the Clans; Understanding Ancestral Hopi Migration and Identity, A.D. 1275-1400." Ph.D. dissertation on file at Arizona State University, Tempe. Received the 2003 Society for American Archaeology Dissertation Award.

1999: "Kiln Firing Groups: Inter-Household Economic Collaboration and Social Organization in the Northern American Southwest." American Antiquity 65(2):365-378.

1999: Reassessing the Scale of Social Action at Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Kiva 64(4): 447-470.

1998: "Conflict, Migration, and the Social Environment: Interpreting Architectural Change in Early and Late Pueblo IV Aggregations." In Migration and Reorganization: The Pueblo IV Period in the American Southwest, ed. by K. Spielmann, pp. 91-114. Arizona State University Research Paper No. 51.

1996: "Transitions in Social Organization: A Predictive Model from Southwestern Archaeology," Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 15:372-402.


Book Chapters

2017: "Visual Prominence and the Stability of Cultural Landscapes." In Hopi Archaeology, History, and Heritage: Twenty-five Years of Collaborative Research with the Hopi Tribe. University of Arizona Press, Tuscon, in press.

2017: "Hopi History Prior to 1600." In Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the American Southwest, pp 429-44.  Oxford University Press, Oxford.

2014: " Ceramic Connections: Investigating Ties Between Hopi and Perry Mesa."  In Alliance and Landscape on Perry Mesa in the Fourteenth Century, pp. 145-160.  University of Arizona Press.

2012: "Hopi Clan Traditions and the Pedigree of Ceremonial Objects." In Religious Traditions of the Americas, pp. 172-184.  University of Alabama Press.

2011: "Migration in Fluid Social Landscapes: Units and Processes." In Rethinking Anthropological Perspectives on Migration, pp. 31-44.  University of Florida Press.

2011: "Becoming Hopi, Becoming Tewa: Two Pueblo Histories of Movement." In Movement, Connectivity, and Landscape Change in the Ancient Southwest, pp. 253-274.  University Press of Colorado, Denver.

2011: "North, South, and Center: an Outline of Hopi Ethnogenesis."  In Religious Transformation in the Late Prehispanic Pueblo World, pp. 196-220.  University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

2010: "Hopi Perspectives on the Archaeology of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument."  In Learning from the Land: Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Science Symposium Proceedings, pp. 336-354.  Bureau of Land Management, Cedar City, Utah.

2005: "Ethnographic Overview for the Grand Staircase-Escaleante National Monument." Report on file at the Hopi Cultural Preservation Office, Kykotsmovi, AZ, and the Bureau of Land Management, Cedar City, Utah.

2005: "Hopewell Copper Celts from Eastern North America: Their Social and Symbolic Significance."  In Gathering Hopewell: Society, Ritual an Ritual Interaction, pp. 624-647.  Plenum Press, New York.

2004: "The  Formation of Settlement Clusters on Anderson Mesa."  In The Protohistoric Pueblo World, A.D. 1275-1600, pp. 108-118.  University of Arizona Press.

1998: "Conflict, Migration, and the Social Environment: Interpreting Architectural Change in Early and Late Pueblo IV Aggregations."  In Migration and Reorganization: The Pueblo IV Period in the American Southwest, pp. 91-114.  Arizona State University Research Paper No. 51.


Awards and service

  • 2022: Society for American Archaeology Scholarly Book Award. "Becoming Hopi: A History."

  • 2021: Southwest Book Award from the Border Regional Library Association. "Becoming Hopi: A History."
  • 2017: Furthering Collaborative Archaeology on the Hopi Mesas (co-PI with Gregson Schachner). UCLA Institute of American Cultures Research Grant ($6,813).

  • 2016: Hopi Perspectives on the Archaeology of the Hopi Mesas (co-PI with Gregson Schachner). UCLA  Academic Senate Council on Research Faculty Research Grant ($9,782).

  • 2010: Senior PI (With Gregson Schachner), "Ratiocarbon dates for archaeological sites in Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona" Hawai'i-Pacific Islands Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Task Agreement, National Park Service ($14,100).

  • 2008: Project Lead, "Ceramic Connections: Documenting Ties Between the Hopi Mesas and the Verde Region in the 14th Century, A.D." Supplement to NSF grant BCS-0613201 ($19,985).

  • 2008: Project Lead, "Landscape, Movement, and Human Behavior: Anthropological Approaches" sub-award. Federal Geospatial Community Educational Support, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency ($32,000).

  • 2002: Society for American Archaeology Dissertation Award.

  • 2001: National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant ($12,000).

  • 2001: Robert H. Lister Fellowship, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, ($5,000).

  • 2001: Joe Ben Wheat Research Scholarship, University of Colorado ($2,500).

  • 1995, 1994: Honorable Mention, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.