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Side photo of the Admissions event being held at the UofR Memorial Chapel.

Racial Equity Resources

This page features racial equity resources.

Selecting a Program

In addition to identifying the area of psychology that you would like to study, you will also need to think about the level and type of degree that you wish to obtain. The following resources explore the differences between the MA, MS, MEd, MSW, PhD, PsyD, and EdD degrees, discuss the distinctions between clinical and counseling programs, and the meaning of APA accreditation.
APA Online student page

Graduate School Options for Psychology Majors from Marky Lloyd's Careers in Psychology Page on Psych Web


Your GPA

Strive to do your best academic work. Many graduate schools are very competitive, and your GPA offers selection committees a simple criterion to consider or exclude your for admittance. Competitive programs usually look for GPAs around 3.5 or higher. Less competitive programs may accept a GPA of 3.0 or slightly lower.