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Study Away Policies

Academic and Financial


  1. Students may receive credit toward graduation from the University of Redlands only if they participate in a study away program that is officially approved by the Study Away Office at the University of Redlands. Students must apply to participate through the Study Away Office and must meet published program deadlines. Any units earned outside of this prior approval process may not be applied toward the Redlands’ degree.
  2. Students accepted for study away will retain official enrollment status as a University of Redlands student. All academic credits they earn in an approved study away program will automatically transfer back to the University of Redlands. These course credits will appear on their official University of Redlands transcript and count toward the total accumulation of credits required for graduation.
  3. All courses students enroll in with an approved study away program will be transcripted by the University of Redlands as Redlands' courses and with the same score or translated score as determined by the University of Redlands. The grades students earn in all study away courses will appear on their Redlands' transcript and be calculated into their Redlands' GPA. A letter grade earned in their away program cannot be later or retroactively converted into a pass/fail grade.
  4. Students approved for study away will be given approval for a single semester program only save in exceptional and limited cases. These limitations do not apply to May Term Travel courses.
  5. Students who wish to be considered for study away are required to provide an academic argument for doing so. This justification should be anchored in a cogent academic plan, one that underscores study away as an important vehicle for providing academic opportunities that are not available on campus. In exceptional and limited cases, a student may successfully receive approval to participate in a year-long study away program. In order to be considered, students must complete a year-long request in which they construct an argument that explains the necessity and benefit of a full year away program. Approval will not be granted after the full year petition deadline has passed.
  6. It is the responsibility of all students to petition the Registrar for the approval of any course(s) in which they plan to enroll on a study away program for which they seek to satisfy a Liberal Arts Inquiry requirement. Students should similarly receive specific major/minor course approval from their major/minor departments should they plan on having courses they take on a study away program apply to their degree(s). This should be completed in advance of departure, and any "understandings" they reach with the registrar or department should be secured in writing. Students should keep all relevant faculty and administrative personnel informed of any changes in their academic program throughout their time studying away.


The University of Redlands’ financial model for study away promotes these programs and encourages students to participate. This model treats a term abroad as a term at Redlands, not only academically (as noted above), but financially as well.

  1. Students participating in study away programs will receive billing for their term away from the University of Redlands, whether they enroll in a Redlands’ semester program or a provider program. The University charges UR students the same or similar tuition and fees for a semester away as it does for a semester on campus. These costs correspond with Redland’s tuition, room and board charges (at standard room and board rates), ASUR fee, and required health insurance for study away. These charges 2 will apply for study away students regardless of their personal room and board arrangements in Redlands or vicinity and irrespective of what their away program specifically provides for while they are abroad.
  2. The University pays all required program fees for students participating in an approved study away program except textbooks, non-included transportation fees, passport, visa, or residency permits, residential damage deposits, and any mandatory health insurance required by the Redlands and/or the partner university or program provider. Students are also responsible for any additional surcharge for science labs or course supplies as well as any required orientation sessions or field experiences whose costs are not included in the program. Optional or elective fees, trips, course overloads, etc., are the responsibility of the student. Students who withdraw from a program are responsible for any unrecoverable payments made by the University to the program on behalf of the student, in addition to the required University tuition and fees. To withdraw from a study away program, a student must notify the CAS Study Away Office in writing as well as their study away program.
  3. The University of Redlands pays students’ study away program fees, including payment of provider program deposits, generally in the following manner. After applying, when applicable, students should receive a letter and/or email of acceptance from the provider program to which they applied. This communication typically notifies students of their acceptance while also requesting that they confirm their intention to participate in the program by the payment of a non-refundable program deposit. Students are at a critical crossroads once they reach this stage; they must now make a final decision about whether they will attend the program as proposed. If students have been offered admission and do decide to reserve their space in a program, they should forward their emailed acceptance to Melissa in the CAS Study Away Office at ( Study Away staff will pay, on student’s behalf, the non-refundable program deposit, if required. Since the deposit confirms an applicant’s space in the program, provider programs generally allow no more than two weeks to pay the deposit. As a result, students must quickly make their decision on reserving a space. It is essential that students keep the following in mind:
    • The CAS Study Away Office often does not receive a copy of the letter/email of acceptance from the partner university or program where a student will be studying. Students must notify the CAS Study Away Office of their acceptance.
    • The program deposit is generally non-refundable, so if students withdraw from the program after the deposit has been paid, they will be held liable for that deposit. This will be reflected in their next billing from the University of Redlands.
  4. In the event that students receive program billing directly from a program, they should contact the Study Away Office and forward the bill to the Office for payment. Students should email bills to:
  5. Transportation: The cost for and arrangement of travel to and from the study site is the responsibility of the student. If needed, eligible students may seek loan funds to underwrite the cost of airfare. If a program includes airfare as a part of the program fee, the University will request that this cost be separated out in the billing and directed to the student for payment. Students will need to balance convenience and cost in determining whether to take advantage of any program provided international airfare.
  6. Room and Board: Many programs will include room and board charges with the program fees. When this occurs, the University will pay these directly to the program. Some programs, however, separate these charges. If room and/or board are excluded from the direct billing to the University, either in whole or in part (as they often are) the University will still cover the precise amount each program cites as appropriate. The University will not provide for funding at any amount above the limits established by our institutional partners. The University will distribute these funds, in check form, directly to the students prior to their departure. In addition, the University of Redlands will determine what partner program housing is available for students, and which is not, and does not allow students to secure independent housing for their program abroad.
  7. Exchange rate, personal spending habits: Students will need to take into account the exchange rate of the national currency where they will be studying and traveling as well as their individual spending patterns. The University of Redlands financial policy for study abroad seeks to share the exchange rate "risk" with students. In other words, once the housing and meal subsidy has been established, should the exchange rate shift favorably toward the student, the University will not expect or request any adjustment in the meal and/or housing subsidy provided. Should the shift occur in the other and less favorable direction, the student will bear the burden of this change. The subsidy that the University provides does not account for any variables of personal choice and/or habits in food and housing preferences. As a result, some students may find the subsidies for meals and rooms very generous; others will have to learn to be disciplined in their spending choices if these funds are to prove sufficient in supporting them until the end of the program period.
  8. Study Away Application Fee: A $40 study abroad application fee will be automatically be charged to a student’s account after the study abroad application deadline has passed, normally in January or February.


  1. Students who receive Federal, State, or University of Redlands need-based financial aid will continue to receive all grants and scholarships (save work awards) during their approved semester of study away.
  2. Student financial aid packages are based on University of Redlands fees. Students who receive any additional need or merit based aid from their programs may have any need based aid that they receive through the University as part of their financial aid program canceled out at the equivalent amount or may have some or all of the funds apply as credit to their student account. This is determined by the Office of Student Financial Services on a case by case basis as individual student financial aid circumstances differ.
  3. Work-Study: While on campus, many Redlands students rely on wages from work study during the term to support their studies. For students studying away, however, finding paid work is generally either very difficult or not possible. Additionally, working can be at odds with the overall purpose and objective of studying away. Accordingly, students who will participate in study away programs may need to develop a financial plan in order to compensate for the loss of any on-campus wages. Students might consider attempting to secure loan funds equivalent to the amount they normally would receive through the work-study portion of their financial aid package. Students who wish to consider such a loan option should speak directly with the Student Financial Services concerning their particular financial circumstances.
  4. Travel: Study away includes additional expenses for travel. These costs are the responsibility of the student. Some students will budget for these costs using their and/or their family’s resources while others may seek loan funds, outside scholarships, or other means of support to cover these expenses. Students should directly consult with the Office of Student Financial Services concerning loan options and may consult with the Study Away Office for information about outside scholarships available. Students who have questions concerning the listed study away policies and practices above should contact the Study Away Office at (909) 748-8044, on campus extension 8044, or by email at