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Charlotte Huck Festival

Each year, the festival brings together educators, librarians, parents, students, authors, illustrators, editors, and those interested in children’s literature for a unique combination of full conference and small group sessions.  Next year our faculty is once again chosen from the "best of the best".

28th Annual Children's Literature Festival

March 7 & 8, 2025

Join over 200 educators & librarians for an unforgettable Professional development opportunity!


Award winning 2025 Festival Speakers includes:

Candace Fleming, Mitali Perkins, Jarrett Pumphrey & Jerome Pumphrey, Eric Rohmann, and Dianne White


2025 Session Title Sneak Peek:


2025 Schedule:

download full schedule with descriptions as a PDF (click here)


Friday, March 7th


Saturday, March 8th


Why do people come—and keep coming back?

In the words of past participants, it is:

“A small, intimate conference where you can spend time with the authors and illustrators.”  “A unique opportunity to spend time with others who share a passion about children’s books.” “Practical ideas for my classroom” and library.

Meet the Speakers

We are excited to welcome Eric Rohmann as our 2025 Random House Children’s Books sponsored author! He will be replacing Vanessa Brantley-Newton, as she unfortunately is no longer able to join us this year. Eric is a renowned illustrator, frequently working with his wife and fellow 2025 festival speaker, Candace Fleming!
Candace Fleming is the award winning author of more than twenty books for children and young adults both fiction and non-fiction including Mine and Honeybee: The Busy Life of Apis Mellifera, both illlustrated by her husband Eric Rohmann, and The Enigma Girls. Candace has always been a storyteller. She says even before she could write her name, she could tell a good tale—and she told them all the time. For more about Candace and her books, visit her website here. 
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Mitali Perkins has written many books for young readers, including You Bring the Distant Near (nominated for a National Book Award) and Rickshaw Girl (adapted into a film by Sleeperwave Productions). Her books explore crossing different kinds of borders and she aims to make readers laugh or cry, preferably both, as long as their hearts are widening. She lives and writes in the San Francisco Bay Area. Other Mitali Perkins books include Holy Night and Little Star, Home Is In Between, Between My Hands, and Between Us and Abuela.
When Diannne White, picture book author, poetry lover, teacher, was growing up, she never thought she would become a writer. As Dianne says, sometimes the things we come to enjoy best sneak up on us. Years later, we are able to recognize who or what was responsible for initiating the tiny sparks of interest that grew into something bigger. As a classroom teacher, she rediscovered the joy of children’s poetry and books. Dianne’s books include Finding Grateful, Sometimes a Wall…, It’s Your Time to Shine, Goodbye Brings Hello, and Who Eats Orange?
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Jarrett is an award-winning author and illustrator. He spends his time making books in his home near Austin, TX, where he lives with his wife, their two boys, and two dogs.  When he’s not making books, you might find him fishing on a river somewhere or tinkering under the hood of his new old F100. Since 2016, Jerome has been a graphic designer at The Walt Disney Company where he uses design and illustration to visually tell stories in print, digital, and immersive experiences. He works primarily from his home office in Georgetown, TX, where he lives with his wife and their three kids. Brothers Jarrett and Jerome Pumphrey have been making stuff together since 1981. Their books include There Was a Party for Langston, Somewhere in the Bayou, The Old Truck, The Old Boat, and the new Link and Hud middle grade series. 

Charlotte Huck, an internationally renowned children's literature expert who is the inspiration for the Charlotte S. Huck Children's Literature Festival, the National Council of Teachers of English's Charlotte Huck Award, and the Charlotte S. Huck Professorship in Children's Literature


Charlotte grew up in suburban Chicago, attended Wellesley College and earned her undergraduate degree from Northwestern University. She began her teaching career in Midwestern elementary schools. Her master's and doctorate degrees were also from Northwestern University.


Charlotte joined the education faculty of Ohio State University in 1955 where she organized the first course in children's literature at Ohio State, founded the Ohio State Children's Literature Conference, and built a nationally respected program that offers both a master's and doctorate in children's literature.


Her classic textbook, Children's Literature in the Elementary School, now in its tenth edition and authored by Barbara Kiefer, has been renamed Charlotte Huck's Children's Literature. During her career, Charlotte served on the Newbery Award Committee, chaired the Caldecott Award Committee, was inducted into the Reading Hall of Fame, was an Arbuthnot Lecturer, received several distinguished teaching awards, and was elected president of the National Council of Teachers of English. Upon her retirement from Ohio State, the Charlotte S. Huck professorship was established, the first endowed professorship in children's literature in the nation.


In "retirement", Charlotte moved to Redlands to live near her nieces Charlotte Burgess and Jean Gaylord. Retirement for Charlotte meant continuing to bring books and children together. She wrote five children's books, was the force behind the evening read aloud program at Smiley Library, the Children's Literature Festival, the annual Family Day at Smiley Library, and a children's literature book discussion group that continues to meet. She also served on the board of the YWCA and Redlands Day Nursery and was named by Town and Gown as a "Woman of Distinction." Charlotte continued to be a teacher, mentor, and an active participant in the festival planning until her death at her home on April 7, 2005.


Memorial contributions may be made to the Charlotte S. Huck Children's Literature Festival Endowment by leaving a check made out to the University of Redlands at the registration desk or by mailing a check to the Charlotte S. Huck Children's Literature Festival Endowment, University of Redlands, PO Box 3080, Redlands, CA 92373-0999.


"Wilbur never forgot Charlotte. Although he loved her children and grandchildren dearly, none of the new spiders ever quite took her place in his heart. She was in a class by herself. It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both." - from "Charlotte's Web" © 1952 E. B. White



The Book Market

Open from 8:00 a.m. on Friday through the close of the Festival on Saturday

All exhibitors in The Book Market are independent Southern California vendors and donate a percentage of their sales at the Festival to support its continuation. We encourage you to support them year round!