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Redlands Student Government

The Redlands Student Government is composed of Redlands students wanting to create change on campus. RSG has two parts, the Cabinet and the Senate, which brings together students from all four classes. Elections for student government are held in the fall semester for first-year senate elections and in the spring semester for the following academic year.

Stay up to date with RSG on their Instagram! E-mail at

Learn about RSG elections. (click here)

Brian Whitehead '25, RSG President

Brian Whitehead '25, RSG President


The most important part of being a student, especially at Redlands is having a say in your education and the other elements of your community. But it is more than just a say, a couple of words, or a suggestion or two. You deserve to be directly involved in your 4 years here because this university is you. You might not be able to be in every room or speak in every single meeting but your unique experience, essence, and relayed voice as a student shall and will echo in every space a decision is made.

Byran Whitehead '25, RSG President

Looking For More Information?

See RSG in action around campus or visit them in office 234 in the Hunsaker center!

RSG group photo