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Teaching Internship

An opportunity to fulfill your fieldwork requirements while working as a paid, full-time teacher.

Teacher candidates can seek a teaching internship to fulfill their fieldwork hour requirements. As an intern, the candidate is a full-time employee of a district with a classroom of their own. It is the candidate's responsibility to secure a full-time position in their credential field at a public school site. Interested teacher candidates must first apply for internship eligibility. Upon approval, the candidate will receive an intern eligible letter that can be used on job applications in lieu of a credential.

The University of Redlands will oversee the candidate for 14 weeks in their position. All interns will receive 72 hours of support from the district/charter school and 72 hours of support from the University; 45 of those hours of support and supervision should be specific to teaching English learners. The University's 72 hours of support will come from the teaching seminar course and an assigned University Supervisor. The district/charter school's 72 hours of support will come in part or fully from a District-Assigned Mentor Teacher.

Candidates must be prepared to take on this immense responsibility, and it is only recommended to those who have prior teaching experience. Candidates are encouraged to apply for student teaching as well, in case an internship does not present itself.

Internship Deadlines

The internship eligibility application is open year-round. Internships must be confirmed by the designated deadline which align to the add/drop deadline for fall and spring semester. 

Subject Matter Competency must be met to apply for internship eligibility.

Semester Deadline to Confirm Internship
Fall 2024 Monday, September 23, 2024
Spring 2025 Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Fall 2025 Fall 2025 Final day to add classes for the 14 week period (date TBD)
Spring 2026 Spring 2026 Final day to add classes for the 14 week period (date TBD)
Fall 2026 Fall 2026 Final day to add classes for the 14 week period (date TBD)
Spring 2027 Spring 2027 Final day to add classes for the 14 week period (date TBD)

Internship Eligibility Requirements

In order to apply for internship eligibility, candidates must meet the following requirements:

Degree: Must have a bachelor's degree for internship credential recommendation.
Student Status: Must be an active student or be on a current leave of absence to apply for internship eligibility. Leave of Absences expire after one year and students must reapply for admission to the School of Education. If a student is reapplying for admission, their internship eligibility application will only be reviewed once they have been reaccepted to the School of Education.
Pre-Service Courses: Candidates may apply for internship eligibility after completing a minimum of 9 credits of foundation and methods courses (pre-service courses) for the credential they are seeking. Recommendation for the internship credential is contingent on completing 12 credits of foundations and methods courses.
GPA Requirement: 3.0 Grade (or equivalent) or higher in ALL pre-service foundations and methods courses.
Clear Student Account: Students must clear all registration/financial holds on account.
Certificate of Clearance: Students must have a valid Certificate of Clearance with CCTC during the program and at the time of application.
CPR Certification: Students must have a current valid CPR certificate (infant, child, and adult) that will not expire while interning. CPR certificates are only valid for 2 years from the issue date listed on the CPR certificate.
TB Test: Students must have proof of a current negative tuberculosis test that will not expire prior to completion of the teaching internship. Skin TB tests are valid for 2 years and chest x-ray exams are valid for 5 years.
Subject Matter Competency: Subject matter competency must be met through examination, college degree, subject matter program, college-level coursework, or combination of examination and college-level coursework. If students are meeting subject matter competency through the college-level coursework or combination option, they must have gone through the formal coursework review process and have an approved domain chart on file prior to submitting an internship eligibility application. Please note the coursework review process to determine if subject matter competency has been met through college-level coursework takes 5-6 weeks to receive results.
U.S. Constitution Requirement: Have met the U.S. Constitution requirement for internship credential recommendation. This requirement can be met through a California State University degree, approved college-level coursework, or online examination.
Resume: Should include education and teaching experiences.
Essay (300 words minimum): The essay should address your personal achievements, experiences, and the skills that prepare you for an internship. Explain how you are ready to be the sole teacher in the classroom instead of pursuing the student teaching route.
2 Letters of Recommendation from Outside Sources: It is recommended that the letters from outside sources speak to your teaching abilities and skills.
2 Recommendation Forms from University of Redlands’ Methods or Foundation Instructors: Completed by course instructors through the submission of the Instructor Recommendation Form. Candidates should e-mail their instructors the following link: 

Internship Eligibility Application Instructions

Internship applications are reviewed year-round. You will hear back regarding your application within 2-3 weeks of submission. Missing documents or submitting documents that do not meet the requirements will cause a delay in the review process.

  1. Fill out the Internship Eligibility application.
  2. Upload the following required documents to the application form:
CPR Certificate: The certificate must state that it covers infants, children, and adults. If it does not, proof must be provided that shows the course covered these areas. The submitted CPR certificate must remain valid during the entire internship. CPR certificates are only valid for 2 years from the issue date listed on the CPR certificate.
Negative TB Test: The submitted TB test must remain valid during the entire internship. Skin TB tests are valid for 2 years and chest x-ray exams are valid for 5 years.
Subject Matter Competency: Proof of meeting subject matter competency such through one of the approved methods. If students are meeting subject matter competency through the college-level coursework or combination option, they must have gone through the formal coursework review process and have an approved domain chart on file prior to submitting an internship eligibility application. Please note the coursework review process to determine if subject matter competency has been met through college-level coursework takes 5-6 weeks to receive results.
U.S. Constitution Requirement: Online exam results or transcripts. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable for this application if official transcripts are on file with Registrar’s Office.
Resume: Should include education and teaching experiences.
Essay (300 words minimum): The essay should address your personal achievements, experiences, and the skills that prepare you for an internship. Explain how you are ready to be the sole teacher in the classroom instead of pursuing the student teaching route.
2 Letters of Recommendation from Outside Sources: It is recommended that the letters from outside sources speak to your teaching abilities and skills.
2 Recommendation Forms from University of Redlands’ Methods or Foundation Instructors: For students seeking a Teaching Internship, two Instructor Recommendation Forms are required from University of Redlands' Methods or Foundation Instructors for the application. The candidate will share the link to the form with their instructors: Students, please be considerate of the instructor's time and give them advance notice. Recommendation forms must be submitted by instructors before the intern eligibility application is submitted. 


Frequently Asked Questions

When do I need to pass my CSET exams?

CTC's Subject Matter Competency Requirement must be met in order to apply for student teaching. See the methods to meet Subject Matter Competency.

For students using examination to meet Subject Matter Competency, all CSET exams must be passed in order to receive an internship eligibility letter. We do not make exceptions for CSET exams or extend the deadlines because CSETs have not been passed. Students should be aware of CSET test release dates and plan accordingly so that CSET results are received prior to the application deadline. 


What if I have not met subject matter competency and/or I am not ready to apply for student teaching/teaching internship?

Students have a couple of options and with each option comes pros and cons. To learn about the key differences between the student teaching and teaching internship routes, student should watch the Should I Student Teach or Intern advising video linked on this page.

Leave of Absence Option: Students can take a Leave of Absence (LOA) until they are able to pass their CSETs. Students can remain on an LOA for up to one year. If students are gone for more than one year, they have to be readmitted to the school. This is a good option for students who are struggling to balance the load of coursework and the additional time to study for CSETs. It will give them a moment to pause from the program and focus on their exams. This option will extend their program length. If a student plans to take an LOA, they should contact their designated academic advisor.

When do TB Tests expire?

TB skin tests expire after 2 years and chest x-ray exams expire after 5 years. The TB needs to remain current during student teaching/interning and when applying for the Preliminary Credential.

CPR Certificate

All student teachers and interns must have a valid CPR certificate that covers infants, children, and adults. It needs to remain current during student teaching/interning and when applying for the Preliminary Credential. Students should check the expiration date on the CPR card to ensure that it will not expire while they are in the field. If it will expire, it needs to be renewed for the student teaching or intern application.

U.S. Constitution Requirement

If students are applying to be an intern, they must show proof of meeting the U.S. Constitution Requirement. All students will ultimately need to meet this requirement to be recommended for the Preliminary Credential.

Internship Review Process

Within 2 weeks of an internship eligibility application being submitted, the Office of Licensures and Credentialing (OLC) will review the application. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all required documents have been submitted. 

If found eligible, OLC will provide an Intern Eligibility Letter, which can be used on job applications. It will indicate to districts that the University of Redlands will recommend students for an intern credential if they hire them. An Intern Credential is valid for 2 years and will not be renewed by the University of Redlands.

If found intern eligible, it is the student’s responsibility to find a full-time teaching position where they can be overseen as an intern. The position must be full-time, in a public school, and in the same credential field as the credential that they are seeking in the program.

OLC does not find internships for students.

Students may apply for student teaching as a backup in case they are unable to secure an internship. This application is separate and needs to be submitted by the designated deadline for fall or spring semester. While students are job hunting, OLC will request a student teaching placement for students. If students find an internship, OLC will cancel the placement. If students do not find an internship, they can accept the placement coordinated by OLC.

Have questions about pursuing an internship? 

Advisors can answer questions regarding internship eligibility requirements and the application process. Visit the Student Success Center for more information on how to connect with your advisor.